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Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator 2023: COP28 Edition

Fully Funded
Country: USA
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Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator 2023: COP28 Edition


In a world increasingly driven by technology and innovation, startups and entrepreneurs play a crucial role in shaping the future. The Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator 2023, with its special COP28 Edition, presents a unique opportunity for startups to accelerate their growth and contribute to addressing pressing global challenges related to climate change. This accelerator program, a collaborative effort between Microsoft and GrowthX, seeks to empower startups that are dedicated to driving positive impact through technology and sustainability.

About the Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator:

The Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator is a comprehensive program designed to help startups grow and scale their businesses. By providing access to resources, mentorship, funding, and valuable industry connections, this accelerator equips entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed in today’s competitive market. The COP28 Edition of the accelerator places a specific focus on startups working towards solutions that align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to climate action and environmental sustainability.

Program Highlights:

  • Tailored Mentorship: Participating startups will receive guidance and mentorship from experienced industry professionals, experts, and leaders. This personalized mentorship aims to enhance the startups’ strategic direction, business model, and growth strategies.
  • Access to Resources: The program provides startups with access to a wide range of resources, including Microsoft technologies, cloud services, and tools that can significantly boost their operational efficiency and innovation capabilities.
  • Funding Opportunities: Selected startups will have the opportunity to secure funding that can be instrumental in driving their growth and development. This support can provide the financial stability necessary for startups to scale their impact.
  • Network Building: Entrepreneurs in the accelerator will have the chance to connect with other like-minded startups, investors, industry experts, and potential partners. This network can open doors to collaboration, partnerships, and business development opportunities.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Early-stage Startups: The Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator is open to early-stage startups that have a technology-driven business model and a clear focus on sustainability and climate action.
  2. Alignment with SDGs: Startups should demonstrate a commitment to addressing one or more of the United Nations’ SDGs, particularly those related to climate change, environmental protection, and sustainable development.
  3. Innovative Solutions: Successful candidates will have innovative solutions that have the potential to create a positive impact on the global sustainability landscape.
  4. Global Reach: The program is open to startups from around the world, reflecting its aim to support and amplify solutions on a global scale.

Application Process:

  1. Online Application: Interested startups need to complete an online application form, providing details about their business, team, innovation, and alignment with the program’s goals.
  2. Selection: A thorough selection process will evaluate applications based on their innovation, potential for impact, alignment with SDGs, and overall viability.
  3. Program Participation: Selected startups will participate in the accelerator program, which includes mentorship, resources, funding opportunities, and networking activities.
  4. COP28 Edition: This edition of the accelerator is aligned with the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), emphasizing the importance of sustainable solutions in the face of global environmental challenges.

Accelerate Your Impact:

The Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator 2023: COP28 Edition offers startups an incredible platform to accelerate their growth while contributing to addressing climate change and sustainability issues. By leveraging the expertise of industry leaders and the resources of Microsoft, startups can amplify their impact and create a more sustainable future. To learn more about the application process, eligibility criteria, and important dates, visit the official Microsoft GrowthX Accelerator page.

Participate in this accelerator to not only grow your startup but also make a meaningful difference in the world through technology and innovation.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Open toAll Nationalities



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