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2024 EUTOPIA-SIF fellowships || Fully Funded

2024 EUTOPIA-SIF fellowships || Fully Funded

Fully Funded
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2024 EUTOPIA-SIF fellowships || Fully Funded

The EUTOPIA European University Alliance is pleased to announce the opening of 16 post-doctoral fellowships under the EUTOPIA Science and Innovation Fellowships Programme (EUTOPIA-SIF). Positions will start in September 2024 at EUTOPIA-SIF partner universities.

EUTOPIA-SIF fellowships offer the opportunity to high-profile young researchers to develop their research projects in the stimulating academic environment of the EUTOPIA Alliance. Extensive research mobility is integral to the fellowships with two compulsory secondment periods: one at another EUTOPIA university (co-host university) and one with an external academic or non-academic partner institution to foster the fellows’ entrepreneurial spirit, tangible research impact and innovation. Furthermore, fellows will access a rich training programme, career guidance and academic supervision.

EUTOPIA-SIF post-doctoral fellows will be recruited by one of the six EUTOPIA universities that are part of the programme — Vrije Universiteit BrusselCY Cergy Paris UniversityUniversity of GothenburgUniversity of LjubljanaPompeu Fabra University-BarcelonaThe University of Warwick — based on an individual research project and the quality of their academic profile for a 24-month post-doctoral contract with highly attractive conditions. The selected candidates from the 2023/24 call will start their positions in September 2024.

As academic experts following an interdisciplinary approach, fellows will address questions central to understanding and shaping the future of our planet, the technologies that shape our lives and the societies we will live in. Interdisciplinary interactions are particularly encouraged within the EUTOPIA-SIF programme, built on the principle that major scientific and societal challenges can only be solved by collaborating with experts from different areas. Applications from fellows from all disciplines, including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Humanities and Arts, are welcomed in connection with the following Key research areas:

Eligible Host Universities

Although The EUTOPIA Alliance was expanded in late 2022 to encompass ten regionally and nationally distinct European universities, the EUTOPIA-SIF programme runs on a separate grant. Only the following six universities are eligible to host or co-host SIF fellows: Vrije Universiteit BrusselCY Cergy Paris UniversityUniversity of GothenburgUniversity of LjubljanaPompeu Fabra University-BarcelonaThe University of Warwick.

The four more recent members of the Alliance (the Ca’Foscari University of Venice, the NOVA University Lisbon, the Technische University Dresden and the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca) are not eligible as hosts or co-hosts of the applicants.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Open toAll Nationalities



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