The Mérieux Foundation calls application for Small Grants 2020. The Mérieux Foundation is deploying diagnostic and research expertise to strengthen partner laboratories facing the COVID-19 outbreak.
The Mérieux Foundation Small Grants 2020 selected projects will receive financial support of up to 5000 euros. Two annual sessions are organized to study the applications.
Eligibility Criteria for Organizations
- Registered with the authorities of the country.
- Status of association under the law of 1901 or recognized as a public utility or equivalent status for foreign structures.
- Nonprofit and independent management.
- The exclusive mission of public interest in connection with the Mérieux Foundation’s mandate: fight against the infectious diseases the effects the most vulnerable populations in developing countries, especially mothers and children.
- Respect and sign the ethical principles of the Mérieux Foundation’s Charter: transparency, professionalism, quality, independence, non-discrimination, respect.
- Not convicted (the organization or one of its member) of acts contrary to the principles stated above,
- Not in bankruptcy or receivership.
- Only projects implemented by local organizations will be studied.
Eligibility Criteria for Projects
- Objectives and activities related to and consistent with the Mérieux Foundation’s mission and focusing on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis, neglected tropical diseases, and other infectious diseases representing significant public health issues.
- Projects taking a global approach to health, including physical, social, and psychological aspects.
- Projects based on a local needs assessment and should be proposing concrete solutions, beyond education and raising awareness. Similarly, projects that are adapted to the population that is targeted and are long-term in nature.
- Strong local involvement: links with local authorities, local associations, and beneficiaries.
- Harmonization with existing initiatives in the concerned location.
- Respect of ethical principles and gender equality in the implementation of the project.
Necessary Documents
- Copy of the official statutes of the organization.
- Activity report from the previous year of the organization.
- Budget and financial accounts from the previous year of the organization, certified by the competent authorities.
- Detailed budget of the project.
- Location map of the project.
- Any reference to the financial and operational partners of the organization.
- Any useful document related to the project.