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Open call for Creative Commissions

British Council Climate Change and COP26 – Open call for Creative Commissions

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British Council Climate Change and COP26 – Open call for Creative Commissions. The British Council is inviting applications for creative commissions that bring together art, science, and digital technology and offer innovative responses to climate change. The commissions will be part of the cultural program in the build-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26), which the UK is hosting in Glasgow in November 2021.

The Climate Change and COP26 – Open call for Creative Commissions is inviting collaborative applications from individuals and organizations in the UK with partners from eligible countries and states overseas.


Applicants can apply for up to £50,000 to realize your creative idea and we are looking to support up to 20 projects. The aim of the program is to make these commissions stimulate truly global conversations, bringing people from different countries, cultures, and communities together to understand each other’s perspectives and to work together on creative responses and solutions to climate change.


  • Applicants must be living in their respective countries at the time of applying and for the duration of this project.
  • Partners from countries outside of the list of eligible countries can be part of a collaboration but cannot receive any financial benefit from this grant.
  • Applications should be jointly submitted and signed by all named collaborators, with one lead UK partner who will be contracted and responsible for leading communications and disseminating the grant to all collaborators.
  • Individuals, organizations and/or informal collectives/networks are all eligible to apply but should have demonstrable experience of managing similar projects and grants.
  • Also, applicants must be able to demonstrate clear benefit to the overseas eligible country, which should be reflected through the project planning (including budget allocation), delivery and dissemination.
  • Applicants should support the ethos and values of this commission and where appropriate, have a demonstrable history of supporting environmentally friendly and low carbon ideas and initiatives.
    Furthermore, applicants who are to new sustainable practices and want to include this in their businesses or work moving forward are encouraged to submit joint applications with those who have more experience in this area.

Briefing Document


Type of Opportunity Miscellaneous
Deadline13 December,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerBritish Council



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