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{ Fully Funded } 20th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU

{ Fully Funded } 20th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU

Fully Funded
Country: Korea
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{ Fully Funded } 20th Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU

APCEIU invites dedicated educators in the Asia-Pacific region to its flagship training workshop on GCED/EIU. This Workshop will offer a unique online training opportunity for educators to deeply examine and reflect on the current glocal issues emerging in the pandemic and enhance their capacity to carry out transformative education in their own communities. Please see the attached concept note for more information.

Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) is committed to empowering youth by providing a platform where young people can meet, share, and work together to drive changes towards a culture of peace at various levels. The Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED, organized by APCEIU, has been held annually since 2015 in collaboration with partners including GCED Youth Network.
This year, with the theme “MIL & Youth Empowerment,” the Workshop will help youth leaders critically reflect on the media and identity, understand the complexity of the digital culture, figure out the roles and responsibilities of digital citizens, and ultimately become active global citizens who bring positive changes not only to their communities but beyond in the digital environment.


Type of Opportunity Conferences
Deadline20 June,2021
Open toAll Nationalities



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