Isabel Godoy Valdés is a young graduate in Political Science and Public Management from the San Sebastian University of Concepción, Chile. Since always she has been motivated to participate and present papers in various conferences and congresses such as Brazil, Mexico, Chile, etc.
Shee has lived and studied periods in Mexico at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo and in Romania at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration thanks the Erasmus KA + program, where she managed to acquire academic experience and also participates in a Model United Nations.
This young woman has an interest in culture, arts, literature and especially a great interest in International Relations but also in climate change and sustainability projects, thanks to the NGO to which she belongs on the defense of flora and fauna (Codeff) in Chile. She is a young enthusiast, likes outdoor sports, traveling, reading and caring for the environment.
She is currently finishing her last year to receive her university degree in Public Administration, where she has also participated in management in the student center of her career, in which she is in charge of congresses and training. On the other hand, she is in the process of finishing her English studies.
She likes to share her experiences to motivate more people to believe and create a change in the world, to have more environmental awareness, but also for the respect to other people and the thoughts of others.