Pamir Hassas is a Parliament Employee, Youth Activist, MUNer, Global Volunteer and member of Youth Government, Afghan Penpal, Friendships Hand Social Organization and Kabul Rotary Club.
Hassas is from East of Afghanistan born in April 1989, living in Kabul. He holds a master's degree in English Literature from Hyderabad, India. He is working as general manager in Lower House, Parliament House of Afghanistan. Hassas has good experience in volunteering with young leaders and youths both inside and outside the country. He has worked as a senior executive member at World Organization of Students and Youths (WOSY). He has also attended many trainings on SDG's, Leadership, Peace Camps, Parliamentary Forums, Business Forums, Symposiums and represented Afghanistan in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Italy, Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Egypt, Belgium, Pakistan, and China.
Hassas started volunteer service to youth from the knowledge and experience that he got abroad. He continued same activities with Afghan youth as well. He has organized many local MUN conferences and had a leading role and chaired many Model UN committees, he has also trained many Afghan youths about how MUN works. In Friendship Hands social organization, he organized Used Clothes Campaign for poor children and orphans to wear on Eid Festival and he also organized the biggest Businesses Leaders Forum. Hassas is also a member of Youth Government which works for youth problems in the country. As a result of mentioned activities, he has received many national and international awards. Currently, He is voluntarily working as Vice President for Spinghar International Model United Nations Conference in East of the Country.