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1264th Conference on Education and Social Science (ICESS)

International Conference on Law and Society 2022

Country: Australia
City: Sydney
May 24 - May 25, 2022
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International Conference on Law and Society provides a leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Law and Society. The conference will bring together leading researchers, businessmen, and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

Click: International Conference on Language, Innovation, Culture, and Education


Conference Goal

The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Law and SocietyAnother goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, engineers, scientists, academicians, developers, students, and practitioners working in and around the world.

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Conference Topics

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Courts and litigation
  • The training of a highly qualified, independent, and incorruptible judiciary
  • Gender issues in law and society
  • Legal education and the legal profession, the careers of lawyers, and recent trends aimed at reform or transformation of training and credentialing
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Religion and law; new theories of secularism; religious and secular law
  • Regulation,
  • Health
  • Financial markets, trade, foreign investment, and the global impact of the financial crisis in a broad range of areas that are of interest to socio-legal scholars
  • Immigration and the unprecedented flows of workers across national boundaries throughout the world
  • Human security, violence, war, dispossession, refugees
  • Security, technologies of security, governmentality, counter-terrorism
  • East-West dialogue concerning different legal orders and models of law; the impact of globalization on different legal traditions
  • New concepts of legal pluralism and legal culture in relation to new forms of legal ordering
  • Colonialism, globalization, and recolonization
  • The United Nations and other transnational bodies

Also check out: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences Conference



Your paper will have an opportunity for publication in Scopus Indexed/ESCI Journals

Researchfora provides the facility to publish papers in Scopus and ESCI Indexed Journals with discounted extra nominal charges.

The Paper from the conference shall be forwarded for consideration for publication to the International journals.



Type of Opportunity Law
Event Date24 May,2022 to 25 May,2022
Abstract Submission Deadline06 May,2022
Registration Deadline10 May,2022
Contact the organizerinfo@researchfora.com



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