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International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food Safety in France

PARIS International Conference on Studies in Business, Economics and Interdisciplinary Studies (PBEIS-19)

Country: France
City: Paris
Sep 05 - Sep 07, 2019
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22nd PARIS International Conference on Studies in Business, Economics and Interdisciplinary Studies (PBEIS-19) on Sept. 5-7, 2019 at Paris (France) aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Studies in Business, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education and share/discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. Both English and French Tracks are there in the Conference.

Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Michel Plaisent, FULL PROFESSOR, University of Quebec, Montereal, CANADA

Afin de satisfaire plusieurs demandes reçues en ce sens, la conférence offrira une session parallèle (track) qui se déroulera entièrement en français:  les textes soumis seront en français, les présentations et leur support  powerpoint, et les réponses aux questions de l’assistance, tout sera effectué en français.  De la même façon des posters en français pourront être présentés  Ainsi, la  conférence s’ouvre à la  science francophone et ses organisateurs se réjouissent d’élargir ainsi les horizons de recherche.
(In order to satisfy several requests received in this way, the conference will offer a parallel track which will be entirely in French: the submitted texts will be in French, the presentation and their powerpoint support, the answers to the questions of the assistance, everything will be done in French. In the same way posters in French can be presented. Thus, the conference opens its door to French language science and its organizers look forward to broadening the horizons of research)


Full-length Papers, Short Papers, Posters and Abstracts are invited that address the themes and topics for the conference, including figures, tables and references of novel research material. Please click here to submit your  full-length papers and posters  for the conference.


Email the formatted paper according to the .doc template paper (in .doc or .docx format) at email id—-info@icehm.org  and mention  the conference title/name as well as city of the conference in that email


Type of Opportunity Business Economics Education Social Science and Humanities
Event Date05 September,2019 to 07 September,2019
Abstract Submission Deadline20 July,2019
Registration Deadline20 July,2019



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