Abdul Rahman Zghoul from Jordan is 27 years old graduate of the Hashemite University Department of Life Sciences. He is a youth activist in education and the environment volunteer issues for more than 10 year. Further, Mr. Abdul is continuous learner, interested in volunteering and youths and believer in positive change. He is working hard giving priority to the children and girls, involved in the local and international Pablmassat, founder of the first project on the Jordan and the Arab world, which deals with recyclers only for bread (bread for Education).
Mr. Abdul holds the title of World youth Ambassador for education in 2015, awarded with the best pilot project of the international Organization for youth Award in 2015, an empowerment Award Democrat in 2014, King Abdullah II Fund for development and holds the title of Ambassador of the Arab thought Foundation from 2013 to 2014, the best peer educator for young people in the world for 2013. He has participated in several local and international programs that deal with leadership
Mr. Abdul is currently working as a major coordinator in the All Jordan Youth institution, which began with a volunteer in 2006 and also is working as manager after 10 years of volunteering.
Providing creative platforms, giving young people the confidence and working to motivate as well as developing their skills will motivate the youths. Also, improving their leadership skills and creating the spirit of leadership by providing greater opportunities for them to participate, express their views, create integration between Arab youth and the Western young people to provide them opportunities, spaces and link with the decision-makers can be a way to motivate.