Kofiga is a young African who is always looking for opportunities on the internet, newspaper wherever he can find it. He has a master degree in finance and accounting.
When he got in the opportunities world last year, he realized that it could change his life. Every day, Kofiga is looking for different opportunities like conferences, boot camps, scholarships, fellowships, jobs and internships, entrepreneurship events and others.
Kofiga is looking for a Ph.D. opportunity after his master degree, and he is sure that he will find it because the year 2018 started with a lot of scholarships opportunity from all over the world on www.oyaop.com. He is ready to give a part of his time to make his community know about OYA Opportunities; he is ready to inform young people about all the means they have access to: scholarships, to participate to conferences, to get international jobs and internships, and others. An effective strategy of communication is being put in place by Kofiga to promote worldwide opportunities to young people in schools, universities, and others.
Kofiga also promotes UN SDGs in his country.