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Bahar Aljammoor || Best team of 6th Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp in Malaysia

Bahar Aljammoor
December 28, 2019

Bringing innovative minds together was making me feel creative as being part of them. As part of my future plan to become a successful entrepreneur and build my empire was significantly important to learn non-traditional approaches for doing business. Indeed, when you meet people from around the world your dreams will even expand to think of globalization not only your country. There has been always a missing part of my idea when I was planning for it such as synergies among the countries, right approach of pitching to investors and most importantly the role of AI that can help a lot in facilitating the process. 

Inclusive culture makes a difference:

While we were first discussing our ideas, I was sure that any person I will work with will add great value to the project since everyone there were TRULY AWESOME!

Ok, start from the beginning. First we were sharing our ideas for a minute with a randomly selected partner then we were scoring each other. This was a big challenge in itself since each person came from a different country which means even having different life experience and culture. Each time I was meeting one of them, I had to change my approach in presenting my idea and negotiate for scores that taught me how to talk to different people. Then after selecting my idea for pitching, my team were from different countries from Africa. It is just unbelievable how their contribution during the 4 days’ work has changed the idea from a very basic one to profit worthy idea. They worked smartly in providing different dimensions of risk and success. 

I actually met not only smart people but people whose vision is beyond even their countries and are working for a better world. Whoever was asking my team where are they from, they were answering “Iraq” as the idea of the project was basically for Iraq. 

Bahar Aljammoor (3rd from the right) and her team from different countries received the “Best team” award.

Understanding the dynamics:

If your goal is to be a “CEO” so you should be at least understanding different business aspects. However, I believe that “A person cannot be all persons” but as business owner you should have at least an understanding of the flow of work such as: Customer segmentation, value proposition, expenditure, revenue, channels for your business, key stakeholders and other details. As much as you get more specific in your business model, your chances of development will be larger. 

It’s all about SOLUTION:

One of the most important parameters that I have learned in lovely GEB 2019 is that sustainability of business isn’t about only business model but also finding a solution for people’s challenge. Many businesses fail while others succeed due to the difference in mentality or intention behind it. People will not be loyal to a traditional business but to an innovative solution that resolve their problems. People will attach to your business when it touches their pain, when it removes their difficulty even if it’s small. 

Not only Iraq and Kurdistan but other countries as well:

Before attending the GEB, I was only thinking of doing something to my country that suffered from continuous wars that’s why I travelled over 15 hours to work for that dream. Iraqi cultural heritage sites are subjected to severe damages which means a civilization of a nation is about to be destroyed. I decided to do something for my community and contribute to preserve its identity and that’s why “A story of a nation” born that basically is using art and AI to showcase stories of the cultural heritage sites. This might remind Iraqis or Kurdistanis of their great history as hundreds of cultural sites damaged during the frequent war. When I was sharing this idea with others, some of them were feeling emotional as it touches the pain of their countries as well such as Vietnam. So my passion even grew to not only think of my community but also other countries in the future. 

Start now… start wisely

Meeting people with great ideas or startups between the ages of 16 to up to 50 years old shows how you can be great and creative at any age. There is no late or early in doing business but there is right knowledge. 4 days was enough to evaluate the value of our ideas, form a team, develop the business and pitch it. This means you don’t have to think traditionally of business which takes years just to be developed but you just can find the right opportunity to develop your skills. In my experience, our ideas were seeds that GEB watered to grow up. This was my story, how about you? Don’t you wish to grow? If your answer is yes, so wish you don’t miss the opportunity to join the NEXT GEB 2020!

Bahar Aljammoor, Iraq. December 18th, 2019 in Asia School of Business during design thinking session – GEB 2019, KL

About the author

Bahar Aljammoor


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