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Scholarships at the University of Bedfordshire

Devashish Regmi
October 7, 2019

Funded scholarships at University of Bedfordshire

The University of Bedfordshire is a British public university located in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, England. This multi-campus university was established in 1993 and it is considered as one of the best in the United Kingdom.

The University of Bedfordshire is currently serving over 14,000 students in which more than 4,500 are internationals. In addition to that, University of Bedfordshire offers a wide range of course program and degrees in the disciplines like Science & Engineering, Business Studies, Nursing & Midwifery,  Computer science, Arts, Social science, and so on. Also Read: Scholarships at the University of Leicester

Scholarships for international students

Generally, University of Bedfordshire offers a large number of scholarships and Bursaries for their existing as well as future students. Similarly, scholarships are also categorized among national and international students. This university offers an outrageous figure of scholarships also to international students. Scholarships are based on academic merit, work experience, research, and social status. Likewise, New International Scholarship is the scholarship scheme for international students to welcome them at the University of Bedfordshire. Generally, this scholarship amounts up to £2,000 per year. However, every student needs to meet the criteria set by the university to qualify for a scholarship.


i. Firstly, you need to be an international student and additionally, you must be commencing full-time study at the University of Bedfordshire from 2019

ii. Following, you must have at least 60% in your previous study. Similarly, you must have IELTS score of not less than 6 ( minimum 5.5 in each band) Also Read: Standardized Tests Required to Study in the UK

Application process

You do not have to do anything to apply for this scholarship because ou will be automatically assessed after you submit the course application.

Please refer to the official website of the university for more information.


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