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b.creative Challenge 2017

b.creative Challenge 2017

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b.creative Challenge 2017

b.creative Challenge 2017 is pleased to invite artists, cultural and creative entrepreneurs from all over the world. The world is facing unprecedented challenges generated by global political turmoil, rapid technological developments, the population’s rapid growth or the human constant intervention on nature. b.creative believes that international collaborations through art and creative entrepreneurship could help tackle global social, economic, politic or environmental issues which humanity currently deals with.

The aim of the b.creative challenge is to foster new ideas in an international endeavour to better handle issues like: growing poverty rates, social cohesion, access to education and digital literacy, mental and physical wellbeing, transport and people’s mobility, new food and sustainable agriculture, climate change and environmental protection.

The competition focuses on interdisciplinary and international collaborations between professionals in creative fields like: visual arts, advertising, architecture, crafts, design, fashion, film and video, gastronomy, publishing, radio and television, computer games, performing arts, with the aim to explore the potential of arts and creative entrepreneurship in fostering social and economic innovation.

Application Requirements

Text document

A project proposal written in English of max. 5000 words which should include:

  • Project’s name
  • A description of the idea
  • The rationale behind the idea
  • Cross-sectorial aspects
  • Target audiences
  • Key activities
  • Key resources / partners
  • A financial plan
 Video and Photo

  • A video not longer than 2:30 minutes of a max. size of 500 Mb which should visually describe the project’s idea
  • A ‘cover’ photo which best describes your project

Team Members’ Biographies

Team members’ biographies must be included for each person participating. Each biography should include:

  • A short member’s background description
  • Member’s profession and current activity / organisation
  • Member’s email address
  • The country where the person is based

Everything should be included in a zip file and sent to tpletosu@keanet.eu via www.wetransfer.com, with the mention ‘Application for the b.creative challenge’ by 28 April 2017. You will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of the submission of your entry.


  • 3-month rent-free incubation in Shenzhen within the programme Soft Landing in China offered by Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition Space
  • 5 days incubation programme offered by Creatis Brussels, the newly established creative incubator supported by ING and KissKissBankBank. The programme equally includes 4 nights accommodation
  • Participation in the Global Cultural Leadership Programme 2018 edition, organised by the Cultural Diplomacy Platform
  • Money award offered by KEA European Affairs
  • 2 return tickets and accommodation to present the project at the next b.creative event which will take place in Shenzhen, China between 15 and 17 December 2017
  • Media exposure through different networks of creative entrepreneurs such as Creative Tracks, b.creative, Creative Europe or Creative Hubs.

Official Link

Deadline: 28th April 2017


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline28 April,2017



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