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European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2022

European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2022

Country: Germany
City: Aachen
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Application is about to close for the European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2022!

Young people from all the EU Member States are invited to participate in a competition on EU development, integration, and European identity issues by the European Parliament and the Foundation of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen.

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The theme of the competition:

The ‘European Charlemagne Youth Prize’ is awarded to projects, which:

  • promote the European and international understanding,
  • foster the development of a shared sense of European identity as well as integration,
  • Also, serve as a role model for young people living in Europe
  • offer practical examples of Europeans living together as one community.

The projects can focus on the organization of various youth events, youth exchanges, or internet projects with a European dimension.

Application requirements

  1. applicants should be 16-30 years old
  2. must be citizens or residents of one of the EU Member States
  3. can apply, either individually or in groups, or an organization
  4.  in cases where the applicant is either a group of individuals or an organization, submit the application in the name of the responsible person representing a group or an organization.

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Eligible Projects to Participate With

  1. either national or international
  2. you can submit your project only in one EU Member State – in the case of international projects, you must submit the application in the Member State that the project has the closest link to.


  • The prize for the best project is EUR 7,500, the second, EUR 5000 and also the third, EUR 2,500.
  • One representative of the 27 national winning projects will get the invitation to the award ceremony as well as a stay of several days in Aachen, Germany in May 2022.
  • Also, as part of the prize, the three laureates will get an invitation to visit the European Parliament

Click: JCI Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award Program 2022


Timetable for 2022

10 January 2022 launch of the competition

13 February 2022: deadline for submitting projects

March 2022: announcement of the national winners

May 2022: Award ceremony in Aachen



Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline13 February,2022
FieldYouth's National Project Award
Open toage group of 16-30
OrganizerEuropean Parliament
Contact the organizeryouth@ep.europa.eu



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