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Global Climate Action Awards

Fully Funded UNFCCC Momentum for Change Global Climate Action Awards 2019 in Chile

Fully Funded
Country: Chile
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The search for the United Nation’s Global Climate Action Award is on! Applications are being accepted from 11 February through 30 April 2019. Spearheaded by UN Climate Change’s Momentum for Change initiative, the UN Global Climate Action Award shines a light on the most innovative, scalable as well as replicable examples of what people around the world are doing to tackle climate change.

Momentum for Change Lighthouse Activities receive the following benefits package:

  • Engagement with policy makers
  1. Recognition by the UNFCCC secretariat;
  2. Also, Funded attendance to UN Climate Change Conference (apart from winners under the Financing for Climate Friendly investment category, which need to be self-funded to attend the Conference);
  3. Opportunities to present work to policy makers during the UN Climate Change Conference.
  • Public relations support
  1. Concentrated media engagement effort prior to and during the UN Climate Change Conferences, including  placement of opinion pieces and earned media;
  2. Also, On-going digital campaign, including social media, email marketing and promotion on UN Climate Change website.
  • Marketing support
  1. Promotional videos;
  2. Also, Dedicated web page on the UN Climate Change website;
  3. Interactive annual reports;
  4. Also, Professional photography.

Global Climate Action Awards Eligibility

Organizations, communities, cities, businesses, universities, governments and others that are taking concrete action on climate change can apply to have their projects recognized by the UN Climate Change secretariat as a 2019 Lighthouse Activity.

Basic Eligibility Criteria

Applicants activity must meet the eligibility criteria for its respective area of focus. Please note that each of the four areas of focus has its own criteria. In order to meet the basic eligibility criteria, the activity must:

  1. Address climate change mitigation or adaptation;
  2. Also, be already implemented, or in the course of implementation;
  3. Be scalable and/or replicable with potential for long-term impact;
  4. Also, be innovative and/or demonstrate potential for long-term transformational change;
  5. Deliver verifiable social and environmental benefits;
  6. Also, Not be registered or have intentions to register as a clean development mechanism (CDM) or joint implementation (JI) initiative in the next two years.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline30 April,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerUnited Nation's Climate Change Secretariat
Contact the organizer[email protected]



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