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Troubadour International Poetry Prize

Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2021

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Applications are open for Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2021. Poems may be submitted from any country & must be in English, must each be no longer than 45 lines, must show title & poem only, must not show poet’s name, must be the original work of the entrant (no translations) & must not have been previously published; no text alterations accepted after submission; no limit on a number of poems or number of subsequent submissions.

Judges for this year’s prize (full details at Troubadour International Poetry Prize) are Gallery Press poet & Univ. Manchester poetry professor John McAuliffe, & Univ. Michigan poet & Renaissance scholar Linda Gregerson: with email submission deadline Mon 27 Sep, you’ve all summer long to polish your finest 2021 poems.


It has the following prizes

  • First prize: £2,000
  • Second prize: £1,000
  • Third prize: £500
    Plus 20 commendeds


  • Submission: Email only, no postal entries: email your poems as attachments (.doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf only) to poems@coffeehousepoetry.org; include in email: Poet’s Name & Address, Phone Number, List of Titles, Number of Poems, Total Fees, & PayPal Receipt Number.
  • Fees: £5/€6/$7 per poem (Sterling/Euro/US-Dollars only); payment via PayPal (see below, PayPal account not required).
  • Timeline: Submit by midnight (your local time) on Mon 27 Sep 2021; prize-winners will be contacted in week commencing Mon 22 Nov 2021.
  • Acknowledgement/Results: Submissions acknowledged within 14 days of receipt; results posted on website after our Mon 6 Dec 2021 prize-night event; judges’ decision is final; no correspondence entered into.
  • Email Address: By including email address you agree to receiving emails regarding annual Troubadour International Poetry Prize.

OYA Opportunities is in Telegram too. Catch us here


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline27 September,2021
Open toAll
OrganizerCoffee House Poetry



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