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Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize 2022 for Author of Tomorrow

Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize 2022 for Author of Tomorrow

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The Author of Tomorrow is designed to find the adventure writers of the future. Part of the Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, it is an annual competition open to young people across the world who have completed a short piece of adventure writing in English.

How to enter?

Read the definition of adventure writing here and also read the details below to be sure you enter the correct age category.

Please submit in the category relevant to your age on the date of submission.

Prizes And Categories

Category 1: age 16-21 years

Prize: £1,000

Young writers must submit a short adventure story between 1500-5000 words in length.

Category 2: age 12-15 years

Prize: £100 plus £150 in book tokens for their school, library, or charity of choice.

Young writers must submit a short adventure story between 1500-5000 words in length.

Category 3: age 11 and under

Prize: £100 plus £150 in book tokens for their school, library, or charity of choice

Young writers must submit a short adventure story up to and including 500 words in length.

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Terms and Conditions

  1. The competition is open to writers of any nationality writing in English.
  2. Submissions must be within the word count specified above.
  3. You may submit multiple works. However, you need to send each entry separately and it will be a separate entry.
  4. Also, submit the entries digitally, as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx.
  5. There must be no reference to the author’s name or personal details in the manuscript.
  6. In addition, if your entry is shortlisted it will be published by the host’s partners at Worldreader and used to improve global literacy levels.

Wilbur and Niso Foundation reserve the right:

  • to disqualify any entry if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the entrant has breached any of these rules.
  • They cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury, or disappointment suffered by any entrant.
  • to amend these rules where necessary to do so or where circumstances are beyond our control.
  • to not award the first prize, where circumstances are beyond our control, or if the judges’ overall verdict is that the level of entries is not up to the required standard.



Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline22 April,2022
FieldShort Story
Open toanyone within the age group of 3- 21
OrganizerWilbur Smith Foundation
Contact the organizersubmissions@wilbur-niso-smithfoundation.org



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