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ADBI-World Economy Workshop on Globalization and the Environment

ADBI-World Economy Workshop on Globalization and the Environment

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ADBI-World Economy Workshop on Globalization and the Environment

Program Date: 26th -27th September 2017

Venue: Tokyo, Japan

The Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), in cooperation with World Economy, invites submissions of unpublished papers looking at Globalization and the Environment in Asia. Both theoretical and empirical research papers with policy orientations are welcome provided that findings, conclusions, and policy recommendations are based on solid evidence and analysis. Manuscripts can focus on Asia as a whole, a group of countries, or individual economies.

Submission of papers dealing with but NOT limited to the following topics are welcome:

  • Trade, resources, and the environment
  • International investment and the environment
  • International migration and the environment
  • Policy designs and reforms on trade and the environment in Asian economies

ADBI will cover registration, flight, and hotel costs, plus a small lump-sum payment for one presenter of every accepted paper, who must be a citizen of ADB member countries. Selected papers from the workshop will be considered for publication in the special issue of World Economy or an edited book volume.

Submissions with brief author bios should be emailed to: environ.adbi@gmail.com

Official Link: https://www.adb.org/adbi/research/call-for-papers/globalization-and-environment

Deadline: 1st August 2017


Type of Opportunity Conferences
Deadline01 August,2017



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