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Summer Training Program for Undergraduate Students in Spain

Summer Training Program for Undergraduate Students in Spain

Country: Spain
City: Madrid
Jun 22 - Aug 14, 2020
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Applications call for Summer Training Program for Undergraduate Students in Spain. The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre in Madrid announces summer training positions for 7 university students who study in the Biomedical and Life Sciences or other related fields. This is the research training opportunities for students of all nationalities interested in pursuing a research career in the Biomedicine and Life Sciences during summertime.

About Program 

The training program will run from June 22 to August 14, 2020 (8 weeks) throughout the summer, and will consist of 300 working hours. Students should compulsorily participate in all scheduled activities. Each student will be working under the supervision of a group/section/unit leader or a member of the research group. English is the working language.

Students will attend a series of weekly seminars given by faculty members and researchers from the CNIO. Students will also have to present the results of their research in a special session at the end of the program. Participation in this program implies acceptance of all of the CNIO’s internal regulations and rules; and of those of the group/unit and Research Programme to which the student has been assigned. Furthermore, the student must accept the timetable and practical program as outlined by his/her supervisor.


  • Candidates have passed at least 2/3 of the total credit points (courses or exams) required for a Life Sciences or Biomedicine-related undergraduate degree (in any country).
  • Similarly, they must maintain their undergraduate student status throughout the whole summer program (June 22 to August 14, 2020).
  • They have an excellent academic record with a Grade Point Average (GPA) above 0.75 (with your GPA as the numerator and the highest possible GPA as the denominator).
  • Candidates have a good knowledge of English.
  • Furthermore, they must be available from June 22 to August 14 (8 weeks) to attend the training program. If they cannot be at the CNIO during this period, they will not be eligible for the program.


  • The CNIO will cover the student’s travel expenses: one return ticket from the student’s hometown to Madrid.
  • The CNIO will also subsidize breakfasts and lunches at the center’s cafeteria.
  • Students will receive personal accident insurance throughout their stay at the CNIO.
  • Citizens from countries not issuing the EHC will receive private health insurance and repatriation insurance, except those who already have valid health insurance during the whole summer stay.
  • Participation in this programme does not imply any kind of contractual agreement between the selected candidates and the CNIO.
  • Furthermore, upon completion of the training program, the CNIO will issue a certificate indicating his/her area of training.

See full position description 


Type of Opportunity Exchange Programs
Event Date22 June,2020 to 14 August,2020
Deadline31 March,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Spanish National Cancer Research Centre
Contact the organizersummertraining@cnio.es



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