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Paid Summer Internship in Poland

Paid Summer Internship in Japan 2019

Country: Japan
City: Tokyo
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Japan Summer Internship 2019 in Kashiwa has opened the application.  This is a 6 weeks  Summer Internship Program in Tokyo, Japan. The summer research internship is open to non-japanese undergraduate students during summer 2019.  The selected candidates will get lectures from the world leading researchers in Japan. The University of Tokyo Summer Internship Program in Japan in Kashiwa is established by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences the University of Tokyo. The UTSIP Kashiwa will provide scholarships and accommodations to all the selected students. Participants will also experience Japanese culture and world-leading Japanese technology through weekend events and a field trip. This is a 6-week internship program. 2019 UTSIP Kashiwa will offer two different programs:   

  • Program A           June 3 (Mon) to July 12 (Fri), 2019
  • Program B           June 24 (Mon) to August 2 (Fri), 2019

Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences

  • Advanced Materials Science
  • Advanced Energy
  • Complexity Science and Engineering

Division of Biosciences

  • Integrated Biosciences
  • Computational Biology and Medical Sciences

Division of Environmental Studies

  • Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment
  • Environment Systems
  • Human and Engineered Environment Studies
  • Socio-cultural Environmental Studies
  • International Studies
  • Graduate Program in Sustainability Science.


UTokyo provides a UTSIP scholarship and accommodation to participants.

  • UTSIP scholarship amount:    JPY 110,000 (JPY 110,000 is enough for six weeks as they will also provide free accommodation. If you convert that amount in Pakistani Currency, it will become Rs. 130972, which is more than enough for 6 weeks)
  • UTSIP arranges and pays for the accommodation
  • Health insurance plan GSFS provides:
    • Death or Physical Disability benefits: 1 million yen
    • Medical Benefits: 1 million yen
    • Liability: 100 million yen

Airfare subsidy will not be paid to the participants in 2019. All travel expenses are the participants’ responsibility.

If you have applied or will apply for a different scholarship, please mention this on the Application page. Some past UTSIP participants received a stipend from the following organizations. Applicants are encouraged to apply a financial aid.

  • Friends of UTokyo, Inc. (FUTI)
  • MIT-Japan program
  • Honda Foundation
  • UCLA Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies (from 2018)


  1. Participants must be in their undergraduate program at an overseas college or university throughout the entire duration of UTSIP program, and will not have completed their BA/BS degree.
  2. Participants are considering to matriculate graduate level study at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences or other graduate schools at The University of Tokyo, or elsewhere in Japan
  3. Participants are required to participate in all activities including classes, laboratory work, and special events organized by UTSIP.


Type of Opportunity Internships
Deadline31 January,2019
Open toNon-Japanese
Organizer The University of Tokyo
Contact the organizerilo.secretariat@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp



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