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PACET Internship 2019 at United Nations University in Germany

PACET Internship 2019 at United Nations University in Germany

Country: Germany
City: Bonn
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The Pan African Cooperation and Educational Technologies (PACET) programme hosted at UNU-ViE aims to strengthen research, educational and institutional capacities of UNU-EHS in Africa. The program fosters cooperation between UNU and African institutions in higher education, research, policy and practice to develop innovative methods and appropriated solutions to address challenges particularly in the frame of the Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The cooperation with the Pan African University is a culmination of continental initiatives of the African Union Commission to revitalize higher education and research in Africa represents a main aspect of the programme.

The programme particularly supports the institutional development of the Pan African University Institute for Water and Energy Sciences (incl. Climate Change –PAUWES) in Algeria by enhancing its teaching and research activities in water, energy and climate change thanks numerous projects (Water and Energy Security in Africa – WESA; Risk Assessment and Reduction strategies for Sustainable Urban Resource Supply in Sub-Saharan Africa – RARSUS; Higher Education Cooperation with PAUWES, etc.). Information Communication Technologies (ICT) plays a key role in the activity of the programme with regards to eLearning/distance education, strategic networking and cooperation as well as new media in the context of WEB 2.0 and open source technologies. The programme leverages digital technologies to strengthen educational and research capacities of UNU-EHS, its partner institutions as well as scientists and practitioners at a global scale. Furthermore, it investigates the teaching – research nexus to enhance higher education and capacity development by using educational technologies. It conceptualizes and implements innovative methodologies and technologies to design and deliver educational materials, to build and maintain networks, to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing and to enhance project work.

The programme organizes conferences, webinars, online discussions, workshops, and summer schools to facilitate North-South and South-South knowledge exchange and transfer and to strengthen capacities at the individual and institutional level.


Support analysis of potential environment related research areas e.g. energy, water e.t.c)

  • Support the tracking of project progress on the PACET project management platform
  • Assist in the planning,  organization and post-documentation of  educational events  and  strategic meeting/workshop:  webinar  and  online  lectures  in  the  frame  of  PAUWES  related  projects
  • Assist in the management  and  administration  of  an  online  community  of  practice  at  PAUWES
  • Support the establishment  and  maintenance  of  networks  and  relationship  with  Pan  African  and  international  actors  and  institutions  on PAUWES topics
  • Assist in necessary administrative and project activitites

Qualifications and Requirements:

Field of Study: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Environmental Sciences, Project, Management or a related field

Essential Skills and attributes:

  • Excellent command of English and experience editing and writing various documents in English
  • Knowledge of German language is an added advantage.

Desired Skills:

  • Background in drafting articles, proposals and analysis assistance will be looked on favorably
  • Planning and organizational skills

Teaching/learning objectives:

  • Gain understanding of the project work and related activities of UNU and the UN System;
  • Develop an understanding of the PAUWES projects /activities of UNU and the UN System;
  • Develop skills in project planning;
  • Learn more about research and practice initiatives;


Type of Opportunity Internships
Deadline31 January,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerUN Campus
Contact the organizerinternship-applications@ehs.unu.edu



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