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Cracow Model United Nations

Cracow Model United Nations (KrakMUN) 2019 in Poland

Country: Poland
City: Krakow
Mar 01 - Mar 03, 2019
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The Cracow Model United Nations 2019 (KrakMUN) secretariat would like to warmly welcome applicants to the 5th edition of their conference taking place at the Krakow University of Economics. KrakMUN is one of few University level Model United Nations conferences in Poland, in addition to a thriving High School level circuit. Started in 2014 by students of the Krakow University of Economics, KrakMUN has grown to be an important stop on the Polish MUN circuit and has in its 4 past editions hosted nearly 500 domestic and international delegates.

There will be plenty of committees available:
Security Council 
  • Topic A: Contemporary international espionage as an imminent threat to international peace and security
  • Topic B: Forgotten tensions in Eastern Europe: The case of Ukraine.
International Court of Justice 
Palestine v. United States of AmericaRelocation of the United States Embassy to Jerusalem
Group of 7 (+Invited Countries/Organizations)
  • Topic A:  South China Sea Dispute – The G7 position on the increasing instability of the region
  • Topic B:  Unifying the G7 approach to the US-Iran tensions amidst recent sanctions renewal
Human Right Council
  • Topic A: Freedom of expression & media in South America
  • Topic B: Rights of political dissidents
Organization of Islamic Cooperation 
  • Topic A: The role of women in the world of politics
  • Topic B: Tackling terrorism in the age of Islamophobia
Special Conference on Sustainable Development Goals 
  • Topic A: Attaining gender equality in the social and economic spheres through ensuring improved access to education for girls & women
  • Topic B: The role of stable institutions and democracy enabling economic growth and development in fragile states


Delegates submitting an individual registration form can enjoy a fee of just EUR 45/190 PLN

Groups and delegations consisting of 5-10 delegates can take advantage of a discounted fee of just EUR 40/170 PLN per person

Groups and Delegations with more than 11 individuals will enjoy a specially discounted fee of EUR 35/150 PLN per person.

This year, the KrakMUN team has been hard at work in order to offer delegates and participants the experience of a lifetime. The following is included in the conference fee this year:

  • participation in the conference
  • conference materials & welcome packs
  • access to opening & closing ceremonies with renowned speakers
  • access to two exclusive social events
  • access to the pre-program and pre-conference workshops specially designed by the Secretary-General
  • lunches & coffee breaks on conference days
  • refreshments in committee rooms
  • and of course, the priceless fun that is sure to accompany delegates over the course of the conference


Type of Opportunity Model United Nations
Event Date01 March,2019 to 03 March,2019
Deadline01 February,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerKrakow University of Economics
Contact the organizerhttps://www.krakmun.com/contact



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