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2021-22 European Union Traineeships Program

Paid Traineeships in the European Parliament

Fully Funded
Country: Varies
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Applications are open for the paid traineeship in the European Parliament called Schuman Traineeships. The goal of the Schuman traineeships is to contribute to EU citizens’ European education and vocational training and to provide an insight into the work of the European Parliament.

These traineeships are awarded for a period of five months. Applicants for a Schuman traineeship must:

  • be aged 18+;
  • hold a university level diploma(s);
  • fulfilf the language requirement;
  • provide an eligible criminal record;
  • not have worked for more than two consecutive months within an EU Institution or body;
    not have carried out a visiting junior or senior academia of six months prior the beginning of the traineeship.

Candidates can apply for 3 traineeship offers per campaign.

  • For the 1 October- 28/29 February traineeship – Application period: 1 June – 30 June
  • For the 1 March- 31 July traineeship – Application period: 1 November – 30 November

Applications submitted after the deadline or spontaneous applications cannot be considered.

Every year 21 000 people apply for a traineeship at the European Parliament and 900 of them are selected.

Recruitment and selection procedures are adapted to ensure that they do not disadvantage candidates with a disability.


The trainee will receive monthly and household allowance.  Regarding the allowance amount, please refer to the page for more details.

Application Procedure

In order to apply for a traineeship offer, you must follow a simple two-steps application procedure:


In order to create an account:

  • visit the main page;
  • select an offer that you would like to apply for;
  • click on the button Apply online;
  • complete the New registration form with your personal data.


In order to apply for a traineeship offer, you must:

  • select an offer that you would like to apply for;
  • login to your account;
  • upload your CV (only Europass Format);
  • upload a motivation letter per traineeship offer (maximum one page).


Type of Opportunity Miscellaneous
OrganizerEuropean Parliament
Contact the organizerEP-Traineeships@europarl.europa.eu



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