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Volunteer at IAS Conference on HIV Science

Volunteer at IAS Conference in Mexico

Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Jul 21 - Jul 24, 2019
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Volunteers are necessary at the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science. This is a great opportunity to be part of an international meeting, with exposure to HIV and AIDS experts from around the world, connect and meet other volunteers, and to meet inspiring people from all walks of life. Moreover, it is a chance for you to play a central role in major global event.

Volunteers play a central role during the conference, and convey the image of the conference to participants. Volunteers help coordinate programme activities, greet visiting delegates, assist with registration, staff various offices and perform other crucial tasks. The duration of shifts varies according to each conference activity. Each volunteer is allocated a morning shift or an afternoon shift depending on the conference schedule and requirements. When not on volunteer duty, volunteers can attend sessions or enjoy their free time.


  • Volunteers receive free access to conference sessions when not on duty, a volunteer t-shirt, and a lunch on each working day.
  • Furthermore, volunteers who complete their mission will get a free one-year IAS membership and a certificate of appreciation.


Volunteers must:

  • Be over 18 years old and proficient in English
  • Likewise, be available for the mandatory kick-off meeting, activity training and venue walkthrough (Friday, 19 July 2019)
  • Be available for at least three half-day shifts on three consecutive days during the conference. Please note that applicants with maximum availability throughout the period will receive preference
  • Read and accept the Volunteer Policy and share the IAS values.


You need to complete and submit the volunteer application form in order to be eligible.


Type of Opportunity Miscellaneous
Event Date21 July,2019 to 24 July,2019
Deadline30 April,2019
CityMexico City
Open toAll
Contact the organizervolunteers@ias2019.org



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