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Fully-funded Fellowship Program at International Mathematical Union

Fully-Funded Fellowship Program at International Mathematical Union 2020

Fully Funded
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International Mathematical Union calls applications for a fully-funded IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship Program 2020


The IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowships offers grants for excellent students from developing countries. The fellowship helps educate the next generation of mathematicians and hopefully results in extended benefits to the home countries of those chosen for the fellowships. This competition is open to highly motivated and mathematically talented students from developing countries who plan to complete a doctoral degree in a developing country, including their own home country. Nominees must have a consistently good academic record and must be seriously interested in pursuing a career in research and teaching in mathematics.

Funding/Financial Aid 

IMU Breakout Graduate Fellowship is a fully-funded opportunity for students that covers the entire period of the doctoral program up to four years of the student (nominee). In particular, the program covers the following costs

  • Full tuition fee
  • Accommodation expenses
  • Travel expenses to the host institution (if different from the home country)
  • Basic living expenses that will depend on the cost of the living of the country in which the student will study his/ her doctoral program


  • Candidates must be a citizen or a permanent resident of a developing country.
  • Must be willing to join a doctoral program in the first academic year after the time of selection in a university or research institution which is based on a developing country.
  • Already be enrolled in a doctoral program in a university or research institution which is based on a developing country
  • There is no age limit for the student as any student can apply for this program.

Required Documents 

  • Statement from nominator
  • Scanned copy of student (nominee) passport
  • Official letter of pre-acceptance in the Ph.D. Programme
  • The budget of total expenses requested
  • Ph.D. Supervisor CV
  • Research Project
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation which both cannot come from the nominator
  • Transcripts of coursework (certified copies (e.g. stamped by the university)) of the student; BSc degree or equivalent and MSc degree or equivalent
  • Nominee CV
  • Nominee letter of motivation, research project and future plans of the student
  • Nominator declaration
  • Ph.D. Supervisor declaration
  • Nominee (student) declaration

Terms and Conditions

  • The fellowship is incompatible with any other scholarship.
  • The fellowship will be awarded starting from the time of selection Fellowship (i.e. without retrospective effect) in case of awardees already enrolled in a doctoral program, and from the time the awardee enrolls in a recognized doctoral program otherwise.
  • Furthermore, the fellowship will be sanctioned for one year at a time and is renewable annually, based on satisfactory progress of the awardee and will cease to be awarded when the awardee completes the doctoral program or at the end of four years, whichever is earlier.

Online Nomination form


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline31 May,2020
Open toStudents from
OrganizerInternational Mathematical Union
Contact the organizercdc.info@mathunion.org



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