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Fully funded Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship in United States

Fully funded Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship in United States

Fully Funded
Country: USA
City: Fairfax, Virginia
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Application calls for Oskar Morgen Fellowship Program in Mercatus Center, George Mason University, United States of America. The Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship is a one-year, competitive fellowship program awarded to graduate students with training in quantitative methods who are attending Ph.D. programs from any university in a variety of fields including economics, political science, and sociology.

Purpose of Fellowship

The fellowship aims to expose students to strategies for utilizing quantitative techniques to explore key questions and themes advanced the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy. Oskar Morgenstern Fellows spend two weekends and half a week during the academic year participating in colloquia on these three schools of political economy.


A total of an award of up to $7,000 includes a stipend, travel, and lodging to attend colloquia hosted by the Mercatus Center. In addition to that, the Oskar Morgenstern Fellows are eligible to apply for conference and research support. They are also eligible to re-apply each year of their studies.


The Mercatus Center expects fellows to

  • Coordinate their schedules to arrive in the area hosting the colloquium before 4 pm on the day on which the colloquium commences (typically a Friday for a weekend colloquium and typically a Thursday for half-weeklong colloquium), making arrangements with their home institution to cover any teaching assignments that might present scheduling conflicts with travel.
  • Observe conventional standards of professional conduct while in attendance at the facilities hosting the program.
  • Submit expense reimbursements within 15 days of the adjourning session of each colloquium.


Throughout the fellowship program, all the participating fellows must

  • Remain enrolled as a degree-seeking doctoral student throughout their participation in the Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship.
  • Attend and actively participate in all aspects of the scheduled program of events (i.e. the two weekend and half-weeklong colloquia) including meals and organized social activities.
  • Meet stated deadlines with respect to the preparation of their research proposals.
  • Arrive on time and prepared for each colloquia session having carefully read the assigned reading in advance.
  • Complete a short evaluation survey following each colloquium.
  • Maintain an up-to-date record with the program of a valid postal address to which packages can be shipped.
    Submit an updated curriculum vita on request, quarterly over the course of their participation in the program.


  • Must maintain enrollment in an accredited Ph.D. program during the upcoming academic year.
  • Able to commit to traveling 2 weekends and half a week for colloquia during the upcoming academic year.
  • Students with training in quantitative methods (including but not limited to advanced statistics, regression analysis, experimental economics, mathematical modeling, and agent-based modeling).
  • Have research or teaching interest that would benefit from a greater understanding of key writings in the political economy.

Application Process

Candidates must submit an online application in order to apply for Oskar Morgenstern Fellowship in the United States. The application must include

  • A 1-2 page cover letter explaining and also a current resume/CV.
  • Graduate school career to date as well as the research and research interest.
  • Familiarity with the thinkers associated with the Austrian, Virginia and Bloomington schools of political economy.
  • What candidate hopes to get out of the program.
  • A few short answer questions.

Apply Now


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline15 March,2020
CityFairfax, Virginia
Open toAll
OrganizerMercatus Center (George Mason University)
Contact the organizer MorgensternFellowship@mercatus.gmu.edu



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