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IDRC Research Awards 2023 for Canada AND Developing Countries

IDRC Research Awards 2023 || Work with your Research in Canada

Country: Canada
May 01, 2022 - Apr 30, 2023
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IDRC’s research awards application process for 2022 is now open!

The successful candidate will join IDRC as a Research award recipient for a period of 12 months with a competitive salary to undertake research on the topic you have submitted. Also, you will receive hands-on experience in research and program management and support, grant administration, and the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective.

Areas or Themes

This year IDRC will offer research awards related to these development areas or themes:

  1. Climate-Resilient Food Systems
  2. Democratic and Inclusive Governance
  3. Education and Science
  4. Ethics in Development Research
  5. Global Health
  6. Policy and Evaluation
  7. Sustainable Inclusive Economies

Who can Apply

  • Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries with a work permit valid for full-time work (37.5 hours per week) in Canada until 30 April 2023
  • Students from low or middle-income countries who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada who have a valid student work permit and are enrolled in a Canadian university
  • Also, students who are enrolled in or who have completed a master’s program from a recognized university within the last three years or students enrolled in a Ph.D. program with a recognized university
  • Moreover, preference will be given to students who have completed a master’s degree or who are enrolled in their first two years of a Ph.D. program

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applied for only one research award recipient opportunity
  • Proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries on the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients
  • The field research component cannot be more than 3 months
  • Research cannot be proposed in countries with Government of Canada travel security advisories to “Avoid all travel”
  • Specific eligibility criteria of each research theme must be satisfied
  • Also, completed Research proposal submission and Academic information and professional qualifications form and a copy of your valid student work permit or full-time work permit valid at least until 30 April 2023
  • In addition, candidates who are short-listed will need to present a letter of support from an organization willing to assist them in the field and provide general support

Moreover, successful candidates with valid student work permits will be made offers conditional upon obtaining a work permit.

Research proposal evaluation criteria

  • relevance of the proposal to IDRC’s mission and mandate
  • Relevance of the proposal to selected development outcome area
  • Clarity and quality of the proposal
  • Also, Clarity and appropriateness in addressing the ethical considerations and gender dimension of the proposed research
  • Applicant’s capacity to conduct the proposed program of research including academic qualifications, local language abilities, and related experience
  • In addition, the applicant’s capacity to conduct a program of work, including related employment experience

For further information, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions and the Short-Listed Candidate Checklist. If after reviewing all the information provided, you still have a question, please contact IDRC.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Event Date01 May,2022 to 30 April,2023
Deadline14 February,2022
Field research awards
Open toAll
Contact the organizercareers@idrc.ca



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