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Science @Leuven Scholarships 2019

Science @Leuven Scholarships 2019 in Belgium

Partially Funded
Country: Belgium
City: Leuven
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Motivated and talented international students interested in participating in an international master programme of the Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven are invited to apply for a scholarship. Due to specifically assigned scholarships, applicants can only apply for a limited number of Masters.

For the following masters you can apply for the Scholarship :

  • Master of Chemistry
  • Master of Geography
  • Master of Physics
  • Master of Statistics


  •  The amount of the scholarship can be up to 10.000 Euro for 1 year.
  • The Board of the Science@Leuven Fund will decide exactly how much a scholarship will be.
  • The scholarship will always cover the tuition fee for 1 year, the insurance and a basic health insurance coverage.
  • The amount awarded for living expenses can vary.
  • Most master programmes of the Faculty of Science are two-year programmes. The scholarship for the second master year will only be continued on the condition that the student had outstanding results the first master year.

Eligibility and Requirements:

Applicants must meet and prove the following requirements:

  • the applicants have not studied or worked at the University of Leuven before,
  • the applicants have a bachelor degree from a foreign university that gives them access to the master programme they are applying for,
  • the applicants have not yet acquired a master degree or a PhD,
  • the applicants can prove excellent study results during their former training,
  • the applicants can prove a very strong knowledge of English,
  • the applicants show strong motivation to follow a master programme at the Faculty of Science of the KU Leuven
  • the applicants are willing to act as ambassador for the programme

Application Procedure 

  1. Apply for the master programme of your choice through the application tool of the KU Leuven. Please read the application instructions carefully.
  2.  Upload the following information via the KU Leuven application tool:
    • a complete list of course titles for which you have obtained a credit. Indicate the course size (in ECTS-credits) and the result you obtained, preferably according to the ECTS-scale; if a different scale is used, please provide a summary explanation on the meaning of the scores;
    • provide a short (about one half to one page) description according to the standard guidelines for an ECTS-study guide for the courses that you deem most relevant for the master that you are considering,
    • two reference letters of internationally renowned professors;
    • a letter of motivation for the programme.
  3. When you have completed and submitted your application for the master’s programme, you will get a message on the screen that you succesfully submitted the application.
  4. IMPORTANT! Take a screen shot of this message. You will have to upload the screenshot when you register for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.
  5. Apply for the Science@Leuven Scholarship via this link.
  6. Your registration is complete after you have received an email stating that you have been registered for the Science@Leuven Scholarship.




Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline15 February,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerKU Leuven Faculty of Science
Contact the organizer+32 16 324010



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