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Learn Africa Program 2020

The Learn Africa Program 2020

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Applications call for Learn Africa Program 2020

The program Learn Africa aims to promote the transfer of knowledge, exchange, and training of African female students through scholarships offered by Spanish universities. Since 2013 and up to now, 153 African female students from 34 countries have been beneficiaries of this program and have studied different subjects and levels at 40 Spanish universities, 1 Portuguese and 2 educational centers in Morocco.

Learn Africa presents this year a different call than usual. Given the global travel restrictions established by the COVID-19 pandemic, all the studies offered for 2020-2021, except those of Planeta Formation and University, are online and have been specially designed by Spanish universities to avoid the impact of the coronavirus in your training and in your future.


  • Be a woman and have the nationality of an African country.
  • Be enrolled in an African university or have a university degree issued in an African country. For Postgraduate Scholarships, the Degree title is required. The required degree can vary depending on the requested scholarship.
  • Meet the specific requirements and technical/technological material of each type of scholarship.
  • Only one application per person.

Required Documents 

  • National identity document
  • Picture
  • CV
  • Diploma / certificate / university degree
  • Academic record
  • Motivation letter
  • Reference or recommendation letter/s
  • Official language level accreditation if required
  • Research project

Selection Criteria 

A committee of experts will make the first evaluation of all the candidatures according to the following documents:

  • CV
  • Reference letter
  • Motivation letterCarta personal de motivación
  • Languages
  • Research Project if required

The final selection will be agreed with each of the participating universities and the results will be published at the end of August on our website, in addition to being personally communicated to each of the selected candidates. The decision will not be personally communicated to unsuccessful candidates.

If you have any questions or you need any additional information, please contact the Foundation at learnafrica@mujeresporafrica.es.

Apply Now


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline15 July,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerLearn Africa Program



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