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Royal Society Fellowship

The Royal Society Fellowship 2019 in UK

Country: UK
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The scheme supports research ranging from the molecules and cells vital to life and their role in the global spread of disease, to clinical and public health research seeking to improve the quality of healthcare. It can be based in the laboratory, clinic or field, and may involve experimental or theoretical approaches.

Moreover, it brings together the Royal Society and the Wellcome Trust, two of the world’s most prestigious and influential scientific organisations, in their shared commitment to supporting the future leaders of biomedical research. In addition, the aim of this scheme is to enable applicants to establish themselves as an independent researcher leading a unique as well as innovative programme of research.


Fellowships are tenable for five years in the first instance, with the potential to apply for competitive renewal for an additional three years. Fellowships may be taken up on a part-time employment basis, where appropriate.

Unless stated otherwise, the following costs may be requested:

  • a basic salary for the Fellow, as determined by the host organisation; an additional Wellcome Trust enhancement of £7,500 per annum will also be provided
  • Also, research expenses, including research assistance if required (normally a graduate research assistant or technician; requests for additional research staff may be considered where fieldwork or clinical studies in a low- or middle-income country are proposed)
  • travel and subsistence for collaborative travel or scientifically justified overseas visits of normally up to one year
  • Also, overseas allowances, where appropriate, for applicants working in low- or middle-income countries for 12 months or more

In addition the funders will provide:

  • an inflation allowance
  • Also, a Flexible Funding Allowance
  • a contribution towards indirect and estate costs funded by the Royal Society (currently set at £11,000 per annum per Fellowship).


Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1.  Have a PhD and significant postdoctoral research experience.
  2.  Also, This scheme is not open to individuals who wish to combine research with a continuing clinical career in medicine, psychology, dentistry or veterinary practice.
  3. Individuals who have held or are currently completing a nationally competitive fellowship at the same level as this fellowship are not normally eligible to apply for this scheme.
  4. In addition if applicants are currently applying for another Wellcome fellowship or a Royal Society University Research Fellowship, they would also be unable to apply.
  5. Also, Applicants must have made intellectual contributions to research that have been published in leading journals, and be able to demonstrate their potential to carry out independent research.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline02 April,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Royal Society
Contact the organizergrantenquiries@wellcome.ac.uk



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