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Funded Scholarships at the University of Queensland

Funded Scholarships at the University of Queensland

Partially Funded
Country: Australia
City: Brisbane
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There is an announcement for the applications for Funded Scholarships at the University of Queensland. Interested candidates can apply for the scholarship until 30th April 2020. the name of the scholarship is Ph.D. Computer Engineering.

Scholarship Description

These two Ph.D. scholarships are part of a new project funded by Oracle Labs Australia to model and verify sophisticated compiler optimizations in the Graal Java compiler. Graal is a high-performance polyglot virtual machine (VM) that not only supports JVM-based languages such as Java, Scala, Kotlin and Groovy, and LLVM-based languages like C and C++, but also more dynamic languages like Python and JavaScript. The GraalVM compiler is widely used for high-performance applications by many large companies such as Twitter, Red Hat and Alibaba.

Degree Level:

PhD Computer Engineering: the University of Queensland is available to undertake Ph.D. level programs at the University of Queensland.

Available Subjects

Following subject are available to study under this scholarship program.

  • Computer Engineering
  • C Science
  • C Technology
  • Additionally, the research area includes Verifying compiler optimization passes.

Eligible Nationalities

  • International students
  • Also, Domestic Australian Students

Scholarship Benefits

The scholarship value is $40,000 per annum tax-free for three years, with the possibility of two 6-month extensions at the standard RTP rate ($28,092 per annum, indexed annually) in approved circumstances.

Eligibility Criteria  for Funded Scholarships at the University of Queensland

To be eligible, applicants must have to meet the following criteria:

  • A bachelor’s degree with at least honors class IIA or equivalent from approved universities, which includes a relevant research component.
  • Additionally, an honors or research master’s degree in computer science.
  • Also, coursework master’s degree and an overall GPA (grade point average) equivalent to 5.65 on the 7-point UQ scale, which includes a relevant research component.
  • Likewise, post-graduate degree of at least one-year full-time equivalent with an overall GPA (grade point average) equivalent to 5.0 on the 7-point UQ scale, together with demonstrated research experience equivalent to honors IIA will be considered for Ph.D. entry on a case by case basis.
  • Furthermore, a bachelor’s degree plus at least two years of documented relevant research experience, including research publications.

Application Procedure

  •  Candidates should take admission in the Ph.D. program at the University of Queensland.
  • Similarly, they should submit an online application for the opportunity.

Visit the official website for further details.

Also, visit oyaop.com for more opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline30 April,2020
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerUniversity of Queensland



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