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Busan International Choral Competition 2020

Busan International Choral Competition 2020

Country: Korea
City: Busan
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The Busan Choral Festivals and Competitions (BCFC) invites calls applications for Busan International Choral Competition. It is an exciting opportunity for non-professional singers to win many exciting award prizes and an opportunity to participate in the Grand Prix.

Rules and Regulations 

  • The Busan International Choral Competition is only open to non-professional choirs (competitive teams only).
  • All choirs are eligible to compete in a maximum of two competition categories. For choirs competing in two categories, the repertoire for each category must be different.
  • For all categories, the allotted pure singing time limit is 15 minutes (minimum 10-minute). This time limit excludes the time incurred by applause or by stage entry/exit. Piece durations must be accurately submitted in the application form. Choirs must respect the time limit and might to accept the penalty in case if breaches the time limit.
    While choreography is allowed, only the music will be judged during the competition (Except Ethnic Category).
  • All choirs (including ‘festival only’ choirs) MUST submit good audio recordings (2 works within 10 minutes) in mp3 format for the initial screening and the result will be sent via email in a couple of working days.
  • Choirs must send the digital copies of scores in PDF format via email by August 31, 2020, AND send 5 original copies of each performance piece to the BCFC office by the mail until September 30, 2020. Submitted original copies of scores will be used only for judging and will not be given back. Moreover, choirs will be subjected to a penalty for failing to send the original five copies by September 30, 2020 (postmark deadline).
  • Furthermore, once after the application is submitted, repertoire changes (including an order of performance) are allowed by August 31, 2020.
  • All participating choirs are individually responsible for honoring the copyright and performance rights of the songs during the competition. The use of unauthorized/reproduced copies is strictly prohibited.
  • Any use of unauthorized video or sound recording, MICROPHONE, amplification of voices or instruments other than the setup provided at the venues is strictly prohibited.
  • With the application, all participating choirs agree to photography, recordings and broadcasts in sound or television as well as any other recordings made in conjunction with the BCFC.


  • Category A (Classical Mixed Voices)
  • Category B (Classical Equal Voices)
  • Category C (Ethnical and Traditional Music)
  • Category D (Pop and Acappella)
  • Category Y (Youth Choir)
  • Category S (Non-competitive, festivals only choir)

Registration Fee

  • Competition Choirs : $1,000 Registration fee per choir
  • Non-competition Choirs : $2,000 Registration fee per choir

Important Dates 

  • Early Bird Discounts: By June 30, 2020
  • Online Application: By July 31, 2020
  • Registration Fee: By July 31, 2020
  • Accommodation Fee: By July 31, 2020
  • Repertoire Changes: By August 31, 2020
  • Sending All Digital Copies of Scores: By August 31, 2020 (via Email)
  • Sending 5 Original Copies of Scores: By September 30, 2020 (in the Mail)

Visit this link for more information.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline31 July,2020
OrganizerKorea Choral Institute
Contact the organizerbusanchoral@gmail.com



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