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Enel Finding New digital Marketing Solutions 2019 (Win $20,000 USD)

Enel Finding New digital Marketing Solutions 2019 (Win $20,000 USD)

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Applications are now open for the Enel Finding New digital Marketing Solutions 2019 (Win $20,000 USD). With the development of the internet, an abundance of information can be found quickly and easily. This is especially useful when researching several options before deciding what to buy. Gone are the days where marketing consisted solely of commercials on the radio/television, flyers in the newspaper/magazines, and telemarketing calls. New digital marketing options are available, yet people who are bombard by messaging may simply ignore these advertisements when using an app, checking their email, or surfing the web. This is a Theoretical Challenge, which requires only a written proposal to be submitted. The Challenge award will be contingent upon theoretical evaluation of the submission by the Seeker.

Enel is a multinational energy company that is a global leader in sustainability and one of the world’s leading integrated electricity and gas operators. Specifically, in support of their commitment to providing affordable and clean energy, Enel is searching for digital solutions that allow existing and potential customers the ability to seamlessly browse and purchase products and services, anytime and anywhere.

Opportunity Focus Areas

  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Computer/Info.
  • Technology
  • Engineering/Design
  • Social Innovation


  • Winners will get $20,000 USD


Submissions must have the following qualities:

  • Define new digital tools and processes to attract and establish a dialogue with a substantial number of new and existing customers with paying attention to any form of diversity (e.g. gender, age, disability, nationality and other types of personal, social, and cultural differences).
  • Digitally direct customers to Enel’s services and products portfolio.
  • Streamline the process for customers to make and complete an electronic commerce transaction as compared to current methods.
  • Support Enel’s commitment to SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) with specific emphasis on 9.
  • Further, The approach must allow customers to access and acquire services and products from essentially anywhere and everywhere.

In addition, the following qualities are highly desire

  • Is applicable worldwide.
  • Proven results when implemented in another context.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline01 October,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
Contact the organizerEnelOpenInnovabilityChallenges@innocentive.com



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