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Designdori invites you to participate in the prestigious Outdoor Design Award 2022 and get a chance to win many valuable prizes as well as build your connections. The most significant value of the Outdoor Design Award is to provide the most convenient, accurate, and valuable design screening in the world based on the judging system, not on the personal competencies of evaluators.
Designsori is a design content marketing group known for having the best screening as well as judging system in Asia. Its goal is to discover and promote novel and practical outdoor product designs, environment designs, and services in compliance with Glocalization in the post-COVID19 world.
All the participants should upload their submissions online on the official page. The panel should be of a minimum of 2 sheets and a maximum of 6 sheets
Each file must be 250x180mm or 180x250mm, JPG, RGB and Max 2MB.
You can also submit your submission video if you wish to.
Finally, you have permission to upload your work in either YouTube or YOUKU Video URL but it is not mandatory.