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Pilar Citoler International Prize For Contemporary Photography 2019 (Win Up To €15,000)

Country: Spain
City: Córdoba
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This calls out to all contemporary visual artists of any nationality. The 10th edition of the Pilar Citoler International Biennial Prize For Contemporary Photography 2019 is open for submission. The photography competition will particularly take into account the candidates’ body of work, their international exposure and their engagement with current themes in contemporary photography.

Pilar Citoler Contemporary Photography Prize

A panel of judges will decide upon the winners of the Pilar Citoler International Prize For Contemporary Photography Competition. A grand winner will receive an award of €15,000 rewarded in an award ceremony on February 2020. Further, the winner will also get an opportunity for a Solo Exhibition to take place during the last term of 2020 or the first term of 2021.

Also, the winners will gain an opportunity to publish a monograph in 2020-2021, that will analyze the body of work and career of the winning artist. The winning artist will provide the digital images for the book and any other material required for its proper completion. He/she will be able to choose one or two people who will write a text for such monograph.

Eligibility for the Pilar Citoler International Prize

Submission in the Pilar Citoler International Prize For Contemporary Photography must be original, unpublished work. Further, the submission cannot have won any other competitions, independently of the theme, or the technique. Proposals can be works already finished (framed or not) or samples to scale printed on high-quality photographic paper that will not exceed the maximum measurements of 70 × 70 cm or a minimum of 30 × 30 cm.

How to submit for the Pilar Citoler International Prize?

Submission for the 2019 Pilar Citoler International Prize For Contemporary Photography competition is possible via postal mail only. Submission via email are not acceptable.

Moreover, the participants for the international photography competition will require to complete and sign the entry form. The entry form is available at the website. Additionally, the participants must provide:

  • Photocopy of the entrant’s identity card or passport
  • Specifications of the entry, including the author’s name, name of the work, measurements; date, technique as well as an estimated value of the piece. In cases of a presentation by pseudonym or heteronym, or group name, the real names of the artist/s must also be included in the registration form.
  • Photographic sample to scale must be within the maximum and minimum measurements 70 x 70 cm and 30 x 30 cm respectively.
  • In all cases, and for the purpose of publishing the corresponding catalog, the entrants must provide image of the photograph in a pen drive, CD or DVD disc, using the following formats: CMYK mode (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black); TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) in DIN A4 size.
  • Curriculum vitae, both in digital format as well as in the paper with the portfolio of artist’s works. The portfolio should consist of at least ten photographs documenting the artist’s body of work.


Participants can submit their photography for the 2019 Pilar Citoler International Prize For Contemporary Photography until 20 October 2019. Submissions after the deadline are invalid.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline20 October,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerUniversidad De Córdoba
Contact the organizerpremiopilarcitoler@uco.es



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