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Rapunzel Naturkost & IFOAM'S One World Award 2020 (Prize Up to 45,000 Euro)

Rapunzel Naturkost & IFOAM’S One World Award 2020 (Prize Up to 45,000 Euro)

Country: Germany
City: Legau
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Until September 30, 2019, you can nominate once again innovative ideas, projects and people for the One World Award (OWA). This international prize is for the sixth time by the natural health food producer Rapunzel Naturkost and IFOAM – Organics International, the international umbrella organization for organic agriculture.

The ONE WORLD AWARD (OWA) honors the visions and activities of persons and organizations. Activities that aim to make the world a better place could be integrated for example in the social environment of a municipality, a cooperative, an association or a company, etc.
Nominations for the international ONE WORLD AWARD can be submitted from any country in the world. The OWA has no preferences with respect to certain geographical regions. The nomination procedure is very flexible and open, in order to allow for a wide variety of candidates. The nominations should take into account both the OWA goals and the different selection criteria.

Nominations can be submitted either by individuals or by organizations. Further, The OWA jury selects five winners from the submitted nominations. The festive OWA award ceremony will take place at Rapunzel in Legau/Allgäu in September 2020 in the context of a big gala event.


  • To promote globalization that is not on profit maximization. However, on the three pillars of sustainability: ecology, social aspects, economic welfare
  • Further, To recognize outstanding engagement and achievements in providing creative and highly effective solutions in the areas of environmental protection and fair livelihoods
  • To encourage more involvement for a loveable, liveable future and for peaceful community building
  • Award winners will get worldwide recognition and 45,000 Euro prize money. The festive OWA award ceremony will take place at Rapunzel in Legal/Allgäu in September 2020 in the context of a big gala event.


  • Nominations can be from any country in the world;
  • The nominees should be persons in the areas of organic agriculture, food processing and/or trade;
  • Self-nominations are not applicable.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline30 September,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerONE WORLD AWARD By Rapunzel
Contact the organizerowa@rapunzel.de



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