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Royal Society Africa Prize 2020 ( up to £ 15,000)

Royal Society Africa Prize 2020 ( up to £ 15,000)

Country: Africa
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The Royal Society calls nominations for the Royal Society Africa Prize 2020. The aim of this award is to recognize outstanding research scientists in Africa who are working to contribute to the sciences through innovations that significantly aids in capacity building in Africa.


The successful recipient of the Royal Society Africa Awards 2020 will get a bronze medal and £15 ,000 grant towards their research project. In addition to that, the successful candidates will also receive a personal price of £2,000. Candidates can spend their personal prize wherever they like.


The aim behind the designation of this grant is to promote capacity building within Africa. The recipient must utilize the grants on a research project. The research must have the potential to continue after the 12 months of the Grant. However, the Recipient of the Prize cannot use the funds to support their own salary/personal remuneration or as a salary for research assistants or any other purposes. The recipient of the Prize will be liable to submit a timely report after 6 months and 12 months. The report must include detailing the progress of their research, the progress of their project as well as the expenditure of the Grant.

Terms and Conditions 

  • The Royal Society Africa Prize (hereafter referred to as the Prize) will be made to an individual (hereafter referred to the Recipient) for an outstanding, innovative contribution to the sciences which contributes significantly to capacity building in Africa.
  • The Prize is intended for researchers at an early stage of their research career (usually having received their Ph.D. within the last 10-15 years) with the potential to build a research project to follow on from the prize.
  • The research must be based in Africa.
  • Moreover, the Prize will make a grant of £15,000; including VAT where applicable, to the Recipient for a research project and £2,000 as a personal prize for the Recipient.
  • The Recipients must notify the Royal Society of any change in their status or location.
  • The Recipients will also be awarded a specially struck commemorative medal and they are expected to receive the Prize in person at a ceremony at the Royal Society, except in exceptional circumstances such as ill-health.
  • Nominations can be made by senior academics and members of the national academies of science.
  • The project and nominee should be linked with an African center of excellence; which would normally be a University or equivalent research center.
  • Normally the Prize is given to an individual who has not yet reached full Professorship status.
  • Furthermore, nominators are required to submit two referees for the nominee. These will be requested once nominations have closed and are shared with the relevant selection committee.



Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline27 January,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerThe Royal Society
Contact the organizerawards@royalsociety.org



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