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Spring Essay Writing Contest Scholarship 2020

Spring Essay Writing Contest Scholarship 2020

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Applications are open for the Spring Essay Writing Contest Scholarship 2020. Interested candidates can apply for the competition until 31st May 2020.

  • No matter where you are and what you study, you can win a $1000 award by accepting a challenge to take part in the Spring Scholarship Essay Contest.
  • Also, create a durable paper and receive an excellent reward.
  • Additionally, all graduate, undergraduate, and high school students are invited to participate in the essay writing contest.

Brief Description

  • Provided By: Admission-Writer.com (Writing Company)
  • Department: NA
  • Course Level: Any
  • Award: $1000
  • Access Mode: Online
  • Number of Awards: 3
  • Nationality: Any
  • A grant can be taken Anywhere


For Spring Essay Writing Contest Scholarship 2020

  • Eligible Countries: All nationalities are eligible
  • Acceptable Course or Subjects: Additionally, the sponsorship will be for high school, graduate as well as undergraduate study in any subject
  • Admissible Criteria: To be qualified, the applicants must meet all the given criteria:
  • Likewise, graduate, undergraduate, and high school students are eligible to take part in the essay contest.
  • Additionally, there are no limitations on age, race, or gender.
  • Also, anyone can complete an application.

How to Apply

  • To participate, students must write an essay and submit to scholarship@admission-writer.com with Essay Writing Contest 2020 in the email’s subject to participate. ( in Docx. format)


  • How will Brexit affect the European Union and the whole world?
  • Likewise, Does separating garbage in the USA and Europe help oceans near Asian countries?
  • Also, Do you believe that once artificial intelligence becomes smarter than the human?
  • Similarly, Do you agree with the statement that “The faster technology develops, the more humans are degraded”?
  • Furthermore, Why do the public and the academy often disagree with choosing an Oscar winner?

Visit the official website for additional details.

Also, visit oyaop.com for more opportunities.


Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline31 May,2020
OrganizerAdmission Writer



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