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TWAS Siwei Cheng Award 2023 in Economic Sciences

TWAS Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences

Fully Funded
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The TWAS Siwei Cheng Award reflects the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ strong support for TWAS and, more generally, seeks to build scientific capacity in the developing world.


  • award of $10,000 in the field of Economic Sciences
  • Presentation of the award on a special occasion, often coinciding with the General Conference of TWAS.
  • Moreover, the prize will include a medal.


Candidates for the TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences must be economic scientists who have been living and working in a developing country for at least ten years immediately prior to their nomination. They must meet at least one of the following qualifications:

  • Scientific research achievement in economic sciences of outstanding significance for the development of scientific thought.
  • Outstanding contribution to the application of economic sciences to sustainable development.

The outstanding contribution may be defined in relation to existing opportunities and realistic possibilities available to the candidate. This applies particularly to candidates from scientifically disadvantaged countries.

Members of TWAS are not eligible for the award.

Moreover, self-nominations and nominations from jury members are also ineligible


  • TWAS is inviting nominations from all its members as well as science academies, national research councils, universities, and scientific institutions in developing and developed countries.
  • YOu can submit the nomination only electronically through the online nomination platform and clearly state the candidate’s contribution to understanding and addressing economic sciences.
  • Nominations of women social scientists and candidates from scientifically lagging countries are particularly encouraged.


  • Selection of the awardees is made on merit and on the recommendations of the selection committees composed of TWAS members.

How to nominate a scientist

You can submit the nomination for the TWAS-Siwei Cheng Award in Economic Sciences electronically through the online platform by clicking on the “NEW NOMINATION” button at the bottom of this page.

To resume working on saved nominations, click on the “RESUME” button at the bottom of this page.

A nomination is complete only if includes all of the following information/material:

  • Nominator contact details
  • Nominee contact details and general information on the nominee
  • Scientific field the nominations (only one, i.e. please also refer to the fields for the ‘TWAS Awards’)
  • Suggested citation (20-25 words highlighting the nominee’s scientific achievements)
  • Also, the supporting statement should explain carefully the work performed by the nominee, its significance, and justification for its outstanding nature.
  • Biographical sketch of the nominee in a NARRATIVE style.
  • Degrees obtained
  • In addition, Professional appointments
  • Brief information on membership in academies and societies
  • Brief information on awards and honors
  • List of 12 most significant publications listed in an internationally acceptable format.
  • Google Scholar h-index as well as the number of citations
  • Contact details (especially email addresses) of five referees covering a wide geographical distribution
  • The nominee’s brief CV and her/his complete list of publications
  • Moreover, authorization from the nominee to process his/her personal data for the purposes of his/her nomination, in conformity to Art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003



Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline31 March,2022
FieldEconomic Science
Open toscientists working in developing countries
Contact the organizerawards@twas.org



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