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UNEP Champions of the Earth Award 2022

UNEP Champions of the Earth Award 2022

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The Champions of the Earth award honors individuals, groups, and organizations whose actions have a transformative impact on the environment.

To highlight the importance of ecosystem restoration, the 2022 call especially encourages the nomination of people and organizations who have contributed to preventing, halting, and reversing the degradation of ecosystems worldwide.

Champions of the Earth Award Catagories

  • Lifetime Achievement
  • Policy Leadership
  • Inspiration and Action
  • Science and Innovation
  • Entrepreneurial Vision


  1. Nominations are open to everyone.
  2. Individuals, government entities, groups, and organizations are eligible for nominations under the categories of Policy Leadership, Inspiration and Action, Entrepreneurial Vision, and Science and Innovation.

Selection Criteria for Champions of the Earth Award

  • Impact
  • Novelty
  • Power of the story


The UN Environment Program (UNEP) Champions are selected from nominations received from across the world. A team of UNEP staff and subject experts review and consider each nomination, creating a list of finalists.



Type of Opportunity Competitions and Awards
Deadline11 April,2022
Open toAll
OrganizerUN Environment Programme
Contact the organizerrukikaire@un.org



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