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Clinton Foundation application for Global Initiative University 2020

Clinton Foundation application for Clinton Global Initiative University 2020

Fully Funded
Country: Scotland
City: Edinburgh
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The Clinton Foundation firmly believes that no one is too young to make a difference and create positive change in their communities. For over a decade, President Clinton and CGI U have worked to empower the next generation of leaders by bringing together diverse groups of people committed to making the world a better place and improving people’s lives. In doing so, the Clinton Foundation announces the application open for the Global Initiative University program 2020.

Clinton Global Initiative University is a year-round program that helps develop the next generation of leaders and social entrepreneurs. CGI U provides undergraduate and graduate students access to training and mentorship opportunities; a wide range of international experts and changemakers, and in-person and virtual networking opportunities. There’s no cost to participate. But to be part of this program, students need to commit to addressing a pressing global challenge or issue in their local campus or community. This pledge – called a “Commitment to Action” – takes the form of a new, specific, and measurable project that each student develops either as an individual or with their peers. The focus areas of these commitments are Education, Environment and Climate Change, Peace and Human Rights, Poverty Alleviation, and Public Health.

Further, the candidates applying for the CGI U program will also get the opportunity to attend the CGI U 2020 General Meeting at the University of Edinburgh. Moreover, the Clinton Foundation offers a travel grant to assist students in attending the meeting.

Fully Funded Clinton Foundation Global Initiative University

The Clinton Foundation’s Global Initiative University program is fully funded opportunity. The students participating in the CGI U do not require to pay any fees. Further, the program aims to provide several advantages to the participating candidates which include:

  • Commitment to Action curriculum to provide a framework on how to ideate, design, implement, and evaluate a social impact project
  • High-touch mentorship through CGI U’s alumni leadership network
  • Clinton Foundation pipeline with projects closely aligned with the Foundation’s areas of expertise
  • Student and alumni engagement events to help connect members in the community, including the CGI U Annual Meeting
  • Access to funding streams through partner organizations

Clinton Foundation’s Criteria for CGI U Eligibility

Students from all around the world are eligible for the Clinton Global Initiative University if they have a profile that makes them:

  • passionate about making a difference
  • motivated to take action
  • likewise, motivated to learn how to turn your idea into something tangible
  • further, eager to connect with fellow students who feel the same way you do
  • Also, excited to hear from topic experts in social impact, public service, and civic engagement

Moreover, students, both undergraduate as well as postgraduate can apply for the program.

How to apply for the Clinton Global Initiative University program?

Eligible students can apply for the Clinton Global Initiative University by completing the online application. The CGI U selection is very competitive. Hence in order to gain a competitive advantage, the candidates must apply with a ‘Commitment to Action’. The Commitment to Action is a new, specific, and measurable initiative that addresses a pressing challenge.’

The Clinton Foundation also avails a Travel Grant for students who are unable to bear the cost of attendance to the foundation’s event. The application for the travel grant is available on the same application.


The Clinton Foundation accepts the application for the Global Initiative University program until 11:59 PM Pacific Time, October 15, 2019. However, if a student is seeking the travel grant, the applicant should submit the application by 11:59 PM Pacific Time, September 30, 2019


Type of Opportunity Conferences
Deadline04 November,2019
Open toAll Nationalities
OrganizerClinton Foundation
Contact the organizercgiu@clintonglobalinitiative.org



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