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Funded UNOY Young Peacebuilders’ Forum 2019

Funded UNOY Young Peacebuilders’ Forum 2019

Partially Funded
Country: Colombia
City: Bogotá,
Jul 15 - Jul 18, 2019
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Applicants are welcomed fo the UNOY Young Peacebuilders’ Forum 2019. The first YPF in the Americas will take place within a context characterized by increased youth mobilizations for greater inclusion in peace, development, and also,  politico-economic processes across the region. Further,  Some examples of recent youth mobilisations in the region include: implementing the peace agreement (Colombia); advocacy for reproductive rights(Argentina); access to job opportunities for low-skilled youth, also, young women, and indigenous and Afro-Peruvian youth (Peru); political and economic repressions (Nicaragua and Venezuela); and advocacy for immigration rights (Mexico).

Moreover, Building on the peacebuilding momentum in the region, UNOY Peacebuilders’ 5th edition of the Young Peacebuilders’ Forum will take place in Bogota, Colombia, from 15 to 18 July 2019 and will bring together 60 young peacebuilders from the Americas and beyond. Additionally, This year’s theme, chosen by our members in the Americas, is ‘Leaving No Youth Behind Through Resolution 2250 and Agenda 2030’.The forum is supported by the Swedish International Development Agency.


  •  Accommodation,
  • food,
  • travel costs are fully covered (in compliance with our reimbursement guidelines).


  • Aged between 18 and 30;
  • Fluent in English and/or Spanish—it is important to us that you feel comfortable to participate! We will operate a peer-to-peer translation system, so you only need to be fluent in one of the two languages.
  • Involved in building peace in your community, in any way!

as this forum offers a fantastic opportunity to expand our network by connecting with and learning from one another. Preference to participants who:

  • Have experience in fields related to peacebuilding and conflict transformation;
  • Further, Are currently active in a youth peace organization;
  • Have experience with and/or represent marginalized communities;
  • Also, active to apply the outcomes of the forum to their own work.

The selection of participants will be based on applicants’ motivation and experience, as well as gender balance and diverse representation.

Application procedure

  1. Tell us about yourself and why you would you like to participate in the forum?
  2. What would you like to learn from the forum?
  3. How would you contribute to the forum?
  4. Finally, How do you hope to use the outcomes of this forum for your work?


Type of Opportunity Conferences
Event Date15 July,2019 to 18 July,2019
Deadline15 May,2019
Open toSpecific Countries
OrganizerUNOY Peacebuilders,
Contact the organizercharlotte.davidi@unoy.org



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