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Hivos African Crossroads 2019

Hivos African Crossroads 2019

Country: Kenya
City: Mombasa
Nov 20 - Nov 23, 2019
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Hivos African Crossroads is a community of future-oriented African thinkers and doers which meets annually to exchange and critically reflect on the most cutting-edge entrepreneurial, scientific, artistic, and technological developments anchored in African intellectual and technological traditions. Through design exhibitions, invigorating workshops, art installations, and more. Further,  this three-day event will spark deep discussions about the latest inventions and innovations.  Organized by Hivos, African Crossroads convenes a yearly, cross-continental and multidisciplinary gathering. Further,  for African artists, entrepreneurs, computer scientists, designers, researchers, and philosophers to exchange knowledge. Also,  to positively shape the future of African societies. Further, The 2019 edition of African Crossroads will take place from November 20-23, 2019 in Mombasa, Kenya. Additional information about the upcoming gathering will be posted in the coming months.

Further, Hivos African Crossroads is a group of African personalities linked by a common interest in reflections and forward-looking practices. It is a series of exchanges and critical reviews of the latest developments in entrepreneurship, research, aesthetics, and technology, rooted in African intellectual traditions. Also, Through challenging exhibitions, facilities, and workshops, also, this three-day event will spark substantive discussions on the latest innovations in science, art, also,  technology.

Moreover, African Crossroads is an annual, multi-disciplinary, and transcontinental gathering for artists, entrepreneurs, technologists, designers, researchers, and thinkers who wish to establish a platform for sharing knowledge and identifying African societies in Africa. come. Further, The 2019 edition of African Crossroads will take place in Mombasa, Kenya from 20-23 November 2019. More information about the event will be available in the coming months.


  • TRACK #1—TASTE: This track will focus on the latest developments, enterprises, and innovations in urban food to unveil the taste of the African cities. What is street food and sustainable food in the 21st century?
  • TRACK #2—SOUND: This track will focus on the voices of the African cities, the oral history, storytellers, music industries, etc. on the continent. What are the sounds of the African cities?
  • TRACK #3—FEEL: This track will focus on the urban fabric of the city. How do we feel the city? What is the skin of the city? We will explore fashion and other ways the city touches us.
  • TRACK #4—MOVE: This track will focus on the movements and energy of the African cities, and will spark discussions on energy streams, urban transportations, and logistics. How does the city move us?


  • African thinkers and doers who are shaping the African continent in various industries such as business, arts, sciences.
  • Also, You must be living or working in Africa
  • Be interested in exploring cutting-edge trends in art, technology, design, and entrepreneurship coming out of the continent
  • Further, Please note that the main language of the event will be English. They can accommodate those who feel more comfortable presenting in French through translation.


Type of Opportunity Conferences
Event Date20 November,2019 to 23 November,2019
Deadline23 June,2019
Open toSpecific Countries
OrganizerAfrican Crossroads
Contact the organizerinfo@africancrossroads.org



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