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Roots Climate Justice Camp in Tanzania 2024 | Funded || Apply Now

Roots Climate Justice Camp in Tanzania 2024 | Funded || Apply Now

Fully Funded
Country: Africa
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Roots Climate Justice Camp in Tanzania 2024 | Funded || Apply Now

The Roots Climate Justice Camp is an international week-long event, which provides a physical space for co-creation, collaboration, and innovation between Global South groups and leaders working at the intersection of climate and social justice.

Each year, its program is developed and delivered by the participant body and regional partners. The camp’s objectives are centered on co-creating strategies that cross borders and issues; forging relationships, networks, and alliances between participants; and building capacity and communities of practice that remain active for the long-term.

Well-being and resilience are integrated into the foundational design of the camp, as well as an emphasis on creativity and storytelling. Previous global Climate Justice Camps have taken place in Tunisia (2022), Lebanon (2023); as well as a regional iteration in the Caribbean (2024).

About the Social justice Camp 

The Climate Justice Camp is always a product of co-creation and collaboration between local, regional and international groups; and each camp has dozens of partner organizations supporting its development and implementation. The camp is a two-way platform, with the week-long program being delivered by both the participant body and partners to ensure objectives and outcomes are grounded in local knowledge and context. Since 2022, more than 100 groups and organizations, big and small, have contributed to making this camp happen.

Roots is the lead partner of the Climate Justice Camp platform. A global initiative that partners with climate justice movements and youth in the Global South to develop power, community, and leadership, Roots’ goal is to champion and uplift a diverse movement of people that drive progressive and equitable environmental change grounded in local realities.


  • Admission to the camp is free, and the host organizations are covering the costs of accommodation, food and transportation within Tanzania (we will also be offering limited transportation from Nairobi to the camp’s location).
  • Participants are asked to cover the costs of travel to Tanzania, and any VISA-related costs (if needed). There may be some financing available to cover the cost of travel to Tanzania, but this is extremely limited and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Check: 11th Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 2024 in Paris, France | Fully and Partially funded Scholarship available |

Eligibility for Roots Climate Justice Camp

  • Attendees of the camp will be made up of organizers, advocates and community leaders from the Global South, as well as some representatives from movements from around the world.
  • People who are part of movements or local groups that are actively working towards intersectional climate justice. Participants of the camps always represent a broad range of issues, including climate justice, conservation, social justice, human rights, women’s rights and feminism, and Indigenous rights.

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Type of Opportunity Conferences
Deadline07 July,2024
Organizer Climate Justice Camp



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