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Women Leaders in Global Health Program 2019

Women Leaders in Global Health Program 2019

Country: Rwanda
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Women Leaders in Global Health Program 2019 and the chance to present their research in front of Women Leaders in global health. Applicants are welcome to submit an abstract on one of the conference topics. This call for abstracts will be to identify 108 outstanding applicants; i.e. young health researchers, young health service providers and young health program managers, who will be to share their personal experiences or research papers. Among the best, 18 will be selected for oral presentations. Further, they look forward to applications from different groups including home-based care practitioners, nurses, midwives, community health works, medical doctors, and others who are looking for opportunities to engage in this global platform.

Submitted abstracts can have one of the following focuses:

  • Research (scientific outcomes pertaining to the conference topics/ agenda)
  • Leadership in service delivery (presenting women’s leadership in health service delivery- challenges, successes, and lessons learned)


  • The winners of this call will be granted a full scholarship to attend the conference (transport, accommodation, and registration to the conference). All applicants must register on the website, however, the winners will not be required to pay registration fees.


Open to home-based care practitioners, nurses, midwives, community health works, medical doctors, also, others who are looking for opportunities to engage in this global platform.

Abstract Format

Submission of the abstract will indicate that the author is willing to register, attend the conference and present the paper to the plenary, either in a verbal presentation or poster format.

Oral paper presentation- Outstanding abstracts will be for oral presentation. Eighteen of the outstanding abstracts will be for presentation in a two-hour plenary session. Further, Nine of these will be young African health service providers and nine young African health researchers. Selected presenters will each make 5 minutes of oral presentations in a plenary session at the Women Leaders in Global Health Conference.

Poster presentation: Abstracts which are relevant for the conference but and not for oral presentation, could be for a poster presentation.
The abstract should be organize under the following headings:

  • The topic of the abstract
  • Title
  • Authorship and affiliation
  • Introduction and Objectives/Background/context
  • Methods/Approach
  • Results/Outcomes
  • Discussion
  • also, Challenges
  • Conclusion and recommendation

Abstract length

  • Title: No more than 75 characters
  • Text: No more than 250 words (excluding the title, authors and affiliations)


Type of Opportunity Conferences
Deadline15 September,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerWomen Leaders in Global Health
Contact the organizerwlgh19@ughe.org.



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