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International Psychoanalytic University Summer School 2020 in Berlin

International Psychoanalytic University Summer School 2020 in Berlin

Country: Germany
City: Berlin
Jul 05 - Jul 17, 2020
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International Psychoanalytic University Berlin calls applications for IPU Summer School 2020 Program in Berlin, Germany. The International Psychoanalytic University Summer School 2020 covers the topics from sociological, psychological and psychoanalytic perspectives. In a multifaceted program, international scholars and students will have an opportunity to explore and engage in the following three topics:

  • Antisemitism and Identity Politics
  • Authoritarianism
  • Generational breaks


The IPU Summer School 2020 Program is especially for master and Ph.D. students from the areas of psychology, sociology and cultural studies. But however, bachelor students in their final year of study are also eligible for application. Students should have some pre-knowledge in at least one of the topics addressed by the course. The International Psychoanalytic University gives preference to applications from students who are writing their bachelor, master or Ph.D. thesis in either Psychoanalysis or Critical Theory. The university accepts applications from students from all around the world and does not prioritize any particular region. Moreover, the International Psychoanalytic University Summer School 2020 in Berlin aims to compile as diverse a group of students as possible.

Application Procedure 

Interested candidates must send the following documents (must be in PDF) on  summer.school@ipu-berlin.de

  • Application Form
  • Letter of Motivation (one page)
  • Transcript of Records and/or last university degree
  • Short CV (one page)
  • Proof of English language proficiency min. B2

Evaluation Criteria 

The evaluation team will assess the applications and make a decision depending on the following factors

  • Letter of motivation.
  • Academic engagement in related projects as well as academic performance.
  • Regional diversity of participants.

Fee and Scholarships 

The participation fee of the International Psychoanalytic University Summer School 2020 in Berlin is Euro 440. Candidates must pay this fee after three weeks after acceptance.

Moreover, students can request financial assistance to attend the International Psychoanalytic University Summer School 2020 in Berlin. The summer school is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). All participants from abroad who apply for the summer school before February 25, 2020, are eligible to apply for one of approx. twenty DAAD scholarships.


Type of Opportunity Exchange Programs
Event Date05 July,2020 to 17 July,2020
Deadline15 May,2020
Open toAll
OrganizerInternational Psychoanalytic University
Contact the organizersummer.school@ipu-berlin.de



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