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Erasmus Model United Nations (ErasMUN)

Erasmus Model United Nations (ErasMUN) 2022

Self Funded
Country: Netherlands
City: Rotterdam
Apr 08 - Apr 10, 2022
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3rd Edition ErasMUN is looking for 120 dedicated delegates and chairs to lead and participate in the conference.

Erasmus University College is hosting Erasmus Model United Nations (ErasMUN) in Rotterdam. The conference aims to combine the traditions of MUNs with the new, innovative practices of modern conferences, aiming to empower high-school seniors, and university students to discuss and debate current issues.

Furthermore, prior experience is not crucial for you to perform well, what matters is dedication and interest.

For more information about how to apply, and what is available to you, visit our MyMUN page in the link below!


Your participation is confirmed after the fee payment of 55€.

The price includes snacks, drinks, and lunch for the two days. This entails two snacks as well as drinks per day with a vegan lunch menu.

Furthermore, it includes the additional entertainment between debates, much-needed office supplies, and venue costs.

Topics and Committees

  • Security Council: Armed Conflicts in North-East Africa
  • Economic and Social Committee: Strategy for Development to Ensure Socio-economic Recovery, Reconstruction, and Stability in Haiti
  • UN Environment Programme: Responsibility and Reparations for Historical Greenhouse-gas Emissions
  • UN Women: Increasing the Representation of Women in Peacekeeping Processes and Conflict Resolution
  • Disarmament and International Security Committee: Discussing the International ban on the use of Depleted Uranium for Military Purposes
  • UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development: Increasing the role of Artificial Intelligence in Global Governance


Delegates: 20 March 2022

Chair: 30 February 2022



Type of Opportunity High School Students Model United Nations
Event Date08 April,2022 to 10 April,2022
Deadline20 March,2022
Open toAll
OrganizerErasmus University College
Contact the organizerinfo@erasmun.nl



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