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IXth Model of the United Nations in Pilsen 2019

IXth Model of the United Nations in Pilsen 2019

Self Funded
Country: Czech Republic
City: Pilsen
Oct 11 - Oct 15, 2019
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Applications are now open for the IXth Model of the United Nations in Pilsen 2019. The Model 2019 will take place, for the 9th time, in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Model 2019 hosts various UN councils and also simulates one UN body in English, and that is the United Nations Security Council!
No matter whether or not you experienced in MUNs (Model of United Nations), Model 2019 in Pilsen provides a perfect opportunity to meet young active people and make friends from the Czech Republic as well as a few other countries.
Concerning your personal growth, the event will help you to develop your debating skills and critical thinking as well as give you a deep insight into the agenda (scroll down to see the topic).


Climate Change and Global Security

The effects of climate change on the world’s landscape often lead to geopolitical changes threatening to destabilize already vulnerable regions. The shortage of natural resources undermines the capacity of nations to govern themselves. Also,  serves as a catalyst for future conflicts. Such conditions have already arisen and are a daily reality for millions of people. Further,  in the Lake Chad Basin, South Sudan, Mali or Syria. United Nations Security Council is increasingly under pressure to address climate change. Yet disagreements over Council’s mandate as well as its current mode of operation hinder its ability to take action. What steps shall the United Nations Security Council undertake in order to tackle climate change, one of humanity’s greatest challenges in the 21st century?

Simulation of UN negotiations in a nutshell

This title might quite accurately describe your experience. In real United Nations, representatives of all countries in the world would meet in committees. Further,  in order to discuss serious matters, such as humanitarian help or disarmament in conflict areas. In this (simulated) case, all participants assume the roles of delegates of chosen countries. Further, represent their stance on certain issues. To give an example: Based on the topics I am passionate about and my interests I will choose a committee. For my next step, I can choose for example Canda, as it is my favorite country. During the negotiations, I will be representing the interests of Canada, even if they go against the interest of other delegates.


Type of Opportunity Model United Nations
Event Date11 October,2019 to 15 October,2019
Deadline25 September,2019
CountryCzech Republic
Open toAll
OrganizerModel 2019
Contact the organizermodel@simulaceplzen.cz



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