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Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN) 2019

Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN) 2019 in Germany

Self Funded
Country: Germany
City: Kleve
Nov 21 - Nov 24, 2019
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Applications are now open for the Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN) 2019. Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN) is an academic simulation of the United Nations.  In which the participants meet for5 days to debate about international topics that are also on the agenda of the UN. Each participant slips in the role of a diplomat representing a specific country also arguments in line with this state’s interests.

In addition to the daily conference, Kleve Model United Nations (KleMUN) also includes social events at night. Further,  in order to get in touch with other students of the same interests. So, five days of fruitful debates, great committees, and realistic resolutions in the end, but also fun and a lot of great experiences. As the committees will be held in small groups, KleMUN is great for beginners as well as advanced delegates. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! It’s always a lot of fun! A Model United Nations is a debating event, at which participants discuss current international topics in a simulation of the United Nations.

Moreover, this is done accurately in every detail. Hereby the participants get together in different committees and slip into the role of a diplomat representing a state. Also, the official language of MUNs is English. Further, the simulation itself is set to be as real as possible, which means that the delegates only represent their assigned country and do not argue using their personal opinion. The aim of a MUN is to write a resolution addressing the topic discussed in the committee.


United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice

  • Strengthen international cooperation in the area of law enforcement regarding cybercrime.
    Combating human trafficking, in the form of establishing effective prevention for trafficking of persons, especially of vulnerable communities throughout conflict zones.

United Nations Environment Programme

  • The increasing threat of space debris, in particular, the possible collision with and safety of space objects carrying nuclear power sources.
    Possible Response and Recovery Mechanisms in the aftermath of flood disasters, with an increasing focus on developing countries.

United Nations Global Compact

  • Establishing a framework for effective and sustainable corruption prevention, to ensure fair and transparent market competition.
  • Further, Guidelines to reduce gender-based discrimination, regarding recruitment and maternity protection within the private sector.

United Nations Security Council

  • The situation concerning the disputed Kashmir Region.


Type of Opportunity Model United Nations
Event Date21 November,2019 to 24 November,2019
Deadline18 November,2019
Open toAll
OrganizerKleve Model United Nations
Contact the organizerinfo@klemun.com



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